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Dear Players!


Server is retail like, there is only a few things witch different. You can check listed below:.


Website: http://l2arcturus.com

Email: l2arcturus@gmail.com


Server is running on dedicated:

3.4+GHz-i3 2130

16 GB Memory

2x 1TB HDD

100Mbit connection

CentOS 6.3 x64




XP, SP rate: 30x

Drop rate: 10x

Adena rate: 60x

Quest Drop and Reward: 3x

Bosses Drop: 3x

Spoil: 4x


Enchant and Augment




EnchantSafeMax = 4

EnchantSafeMaxFull = 4

Enchant success rate = 66%

Blessed Enchant success rate = 70%

AugmentationNGSkillChance = 5

AugmentationMidSkillChance = 15

AugmentationHighSkillChance = 30

AugmentationTopSkillChance = 40

Can have active + passive augments



Increased Inventory limit by 20 for every class

+10 Speedboost

Triple Weight limit

DualBox allowed (max. 2)

GM SHOP up to B grade

NPC Buffer with standard buffs

MaxBuffA-beep-t = 30+16 dance

MaxDebuffA-beep-t = 4

No Death Penalty (its sucks)

TVT,CTF,DM events

GM Events (like Russian Roulette, hide and seek etc.) with reward 1 day hero!

Offline shop (.offline_shop command)

Offline craft

Wedding system

Oly Starts 18:00 PM, ends 24:00

2 Week Oly, 24 h validation time

AltOlyClassedParticipants = 5

AltOlyNonClassedParticipants = 9

AutoLoot even from RaidBosses

AutoLearn Skills

Allow Freight withdraw on every town

ClassMaster to change class: 1st class 100.000 adena, 2nd class 1.000.000 adena, 3rd class Quest OR 5 L2Arcturus Coin dropped by mobs

No SPellbooks need to learn skills

SubClass is free

Nobless retail

3 subclass allowed

You can view Mob droplist with Shift+click


ClassMaster to change class: 1st class 100.000 adena, 2nd class 1.000.000 adena, 3rd

class 10.0000.0000 adena and 1000 vote reward coin!


wtf is that????  :troll:


ClassMaster to change class: 1st class 100.000 adena, 2nd class 1.000.000 adena, 3rd

class 10.0000.0000 adena and 1000 vote reward coin!


wtf is that????  :troll:


Is it an advice? Or just trolling

These things not sure yet... I will set the correct amount after I checked things


I don't know what you both talking about..


1) There is only me yet, its admin and not corrupted,

2) There is good community because you always can contact we me via, forum, skype, ingame..!




There is some update:


-Mammons of SevenSign added to GMshop

-Added Oly Weapons to Vote Reward Shop

-Added Grand Bosses quest item to Vote Reward Shop

-Added TOP LS lv76 to Vote Reward Shop

-Quest item and reward increased to 10x

-Caradine's letter added to GM shop. YOU HAVE TO DOUBLE CLIK ON IT, and you become noblesse!

-Added Soulshot: no-grade for starting chars

-Doubled starting adena

-Added buffer to each starting place

-Modified vote requirements for reward.



So i joined the server and so far it's great ! Not even once a downtime, an unexpected restart, lag or anything. So stability 10 ! The admin seems to be fair, helpful and such. The players are nice, saw a few spanish but still server is great. I suggest you join if you want to play a decent mid rate.

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