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[SOLVED] anti heavy





I am tryin to add the anti heavy code from this thread -> http://maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=196515.0


in L2Armor.java i got this


public enum ArmorType
	NONE(1, "None"),
	LIGHT(2, "Light"),
	HEAVY(3, "Heavy"),
	MAGIC(4, "Magic"),
	PET(5, "Pet"),
	SIGIL(5, "Sigil");

	final int _id;
	final String _name;

	ArmorType(int id, String name)
		_id = id;
		_name = name;

	public int mask()
		return 1 << _id + 20;


and in UseItem.java i added this


			if ((item.getItem().getItemType() == L2ArmorType.HEAVY) && (activeChar.getClassId().getId() == 8) ||  (item.getItem().getItemType() == L2ArmorType.HEAVY) && (activeChar.getClassId().getId() == 23) ||  (item.getItem().getItemType() == L2ArmorType.HEAVY) && (activeChar.getClassId().getId() == 35) ||  (item.getItem().getItemType() == L2ArmorType.HEAVY) && (activeChar.getClassId().getId() == 93) ||  (item.getItem().getItemType() == L2ArmorType.HEAVY) && (activeChar.getClassId().getId() == 101) ||  (item.getItem().getItemType() == L2ArmorType.HEAVY) && (activeChar.getClassId().getId() == 108) || (item.getItem().getItemType() == L2ArmorType.HEAVY) && (activeChar.getClassId().getId() == 9) || (item.getItem().getItemType() == L2ArmorType.HEAVY) && (activeChar.getClassId().getId() == 24) || (item.getItem().getItemType() == L2ArmorType.HEAVY) && (activeChar.getClassId().getId() == 37) || (item.getItem().getItemType() == L2ArmorType.HEAVY) && (activeChar.getClassId().getId() == 92) || (item.getItem().getItemType() == L2ArmorType.HEAVY) && (activeChar.getClassId().getId() == 102) || (item.getItem().getItemType() == L2ArmorType.HEAVY) && (activeChar.getClassId().getId() == 109))
          activeChar.sendPacket(new SystemMessage(SystemMessage.S1_CANNOT_BE_USED_DUE_TO_UNSUITABLE_TERMS));


but its giving me


L2ArmorType cannot be resolved to a variable


and yes i also imported L2Armor.java to UseItem.java

6 answers to this question

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hmm maybe u didnt import it. ArmorType enumeration seems fine, u are using it for example like this ArmorType.HEAVY

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how do you know? depends on the pack hes using. if u are using russian ones in most cases its Type.L2ArmorType

look at the code he have gave, inside it: public enum ArmorType.



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