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High Five (H5) - Lineage II Rise of Shilen


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Lineage II Rise of Shilen | PvP Server | High Five Chronicle


Server Rates:

Xp - 500 (fast level up)

Sp - 500

Drop Adena - 1 ( In farm zones its way bigger )

Drop Items - 1

Drop Spoil - 1

Quests Drop - 1

Quests Reward - 1

Raid Boss - 1



Hopzone & Topzone Vote Reward - Mass reward at every 5 votes

Hopzone & Topzone Vote Reward - Invidual reward


Enchant Rates:

Safe Enchant - +4

Safe Enchant FullBody - +4

Max - +16

Armor Over Enchant HP Bonus Limit - +12

Attribute Chance - 70%

Attribute Crystal Chance - 100%

Skills Chance Min - 10%

Skills Chance Cap - 90%

Enchant (Normal and Blessed)

Enchant Normal : %70

Blessed Enchant : %80

Divine Enchant : %100


* LeveL Up Areas

* Safe Farm

* Easy Farm (Dragon Valley)

* Hard Farm with 2 location

* Party Farm



Buff Limit - 30 slot + 4

Dance & Song Limit - 14 slot

Use Item Broker Item Search

Allow SubClass Without Quest

Subclass activation - 35kk adena

Nobless (alt+b + servies + sell nobility need 5 EMF)

Auto Learn Skills

Auto Learn 81/83 Lv Skills

Allow Dualbox

Full Buff (alt+b)

Global GK (alt+b)

Max Sub Level - 85

GMshop - Up to low S84 grade (alt+b).

No Subclass quest

Olympiad every 2 week


.farm go to main town (Giran town)

.pvp go to pvp area

.whoami (to see stat)



Online raid announce (example : Queen Ant alive now)




99.99% Offical Like Hi5 server


Grand Olympiad Cloak



Community Board with all you need



Account PIN Security



Perfect PvE and PvP Environment

More and More JOIN US...



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New Update


* Divine Enchant Scrool added merchant ( %100 enchant success rate)


* Epic jewels added merchant.


* Added new invudial vote reward... ( now u have choice gcm or eM)

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Im playing there now but the think i don't like is that u need too much for boss jews.. It won't be fare vs newbies witch must wait with days for them.. Example farmed Destroyer or Archer like me full geared, jews, epic dye, etc vs newbie with basic gears and sux jews.. Ok he will farm gears like mine but the diference from epic jews will be OP and then he will go sad, QQ a little, blame me cuz im just a noob with gears, swear at gm/server for fail server, etc and then leave.. Anyway if u think about it and chance ur mind it will be awsome :) +1 for the nice project i rly like it and if someone plays there too PM me : iKill and we can make ally ^^ + the other think i don't like is that we are 20 online.. And 6 of them are afk in giran for vote reward only .. But.. I think it shoud get some good comunity and pupolation :P

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Nice :) Great work with the boss jews now i can earn them fast and without problems (like waiting years for votereward) Now the other think for the custom armors +30 (witch need 100vc) :D

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I think u arent join server...


If you was join server ...u can see we dont have any CUSTOM armors or weapons ...



Vorpal - Elegia in GMShop can buy with ADENA ...

With vote reward u can take small things...almost vote reward droping our custom farm areas....






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How maney players on?


Server started 40day ago..we have daylight and nightly 75-80 player ...trying grow up slowly...



the server concept is good, looks solid. i joined, waiting for more people !


Thank you for good comment ...server has good files...all working right...even raidboss even farm areas even class balance...




******* New mini raid added (spawn time every 10min...droping high rate adena, Gcm, Gc, Em, Emf and FA)


******* Level up areas changed


******* Raid jewels added GMshop (with farm mode can take it easy now)


******* New Event active -  PROMO Video

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