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Web panel for L2OFF

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I am looking to buy a web panel for L2OFF, that would have the following features :


-To create account on website being also in game account.

-To be able to log on the web/ig account and do :

* Change password.

* Recover lost password - via email.

* Unstuck ig character.

* To be able to vote from within the account panel of your account and receive 1 vote item per each vote of each voted link.

* To be able to transfer voted items from the panel to the ingame character of that specific account.

* To be able to donate via paypal from within the account panel account.

* To be able to obtain donate "coins" by donating "xx" sum and "yy" sum , coins to be in relation to donated amount.

* To be able to transfer donated coins from the panel to the ingame character of that specific account.


My msn is : delasoul_007@hotmail.com

My skype is : delasoul_007

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I would find a capable PHP\CSS dude - and do a bit of work yourself.


Find out what he needs to access to retrieve said information and how to encrypt passwords when inserting to db etc.

Tell him - he'll do it.


Now find out how to design the second part - and by action give an item to a player IG by cacheD.

And then make a plan on how you want to store the data.


EG; Should there be a storage pool on the web with info - or should it just directly add items to the character.



Do some work yourself - and any intelligent php dev can fix things for you fast (Bare in mind, aesthetics\design requirements as well).

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I would find a capable PHP\CSS dude - and do a bit of work yourself.


Find out what he needs to access to retrieve said information and how to encrypt passwords when inserting to db etc.

Tell him - he'll do it.


Now find out how to design the second part - and by action give an item to a player IG by cacheD.

And then make a plan on how you want to store the data.


EG; Should there be a storage pool on the web with info - or should it just directly add items to the character.



Do some work yourself - and any intelligent php dev can fix things for you fast (Bare in mind, aesthetics\design requirements as well).

I am looking for a panel already done with the features mentioned above or someone capable to create it.

I have alot of stuff on my head than to stay and code/test this panel, that is the reason im willing to buy it.

If you know somone who has such panel type or has the ability to code it then give me a pm.

Thank you.

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This DeLaSoul aka OutLaw ! WARNING: DO NOT SELL/BUY ANYTHING FROM HIM ! His backstaber. Check every file for backdoor/trojan/keylogger ! Also all his paymaent are with stolen paypal accounts.

He Cant open again l2 server,i will not let him to do that.

He Will get more than 10Gbpps DDos/Dos Attack,also i will kill him if i saw him in my road.

[Cuz he know why]

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He Cant open again l2 server,i will not let him to do that.

He Will get more than 10Gbpps DDos/Dos Attack,also i will kill him if i saw him in my road.

[Cuz he know why]

Great ! If any server looks like OutLaw :D I will let you know. :-beep- yeah:

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