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[Request] Restart countdown screen message



Hey guys!

It's been a while since I last asked for your help.


I need a code that makes a countdown until the restart/ shutdown show up on the bottom right corner of the screen, not only on the chat window.

I've seen it on many servers but I've been searching for it for a long time and I can't find it.


Thanks in advance. ::)

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For the countdown code itself (wasn't really clear if you asked only the second or/and the first part of your question too), you can see Shutdown.java file which use a countdown to shutdown server.


For what happen in the countdown code : you got a class named Broadcast.java listing all methods to broadcast things. On shutdown you use notably SendServerQuit( method using it (from my memories of basic L2JIL, it doesn't, but it should).


	private static void SendServerQuit(int seconds)
	SystemMessage sysm = SystemMessage.getSystemMessage(SystemMessageId.THE_SERVER_WILL_BE_COMING_DOWN_IN_S1_SECONDS);


Instead of SystemMessage, use the packet I have given the name above. About the right corner thing you have to know how the given packet is working, and so find some documentations about parameters the packet can use.


PS : THE_SERVER_WILL_BE_COMING_DOWN_IN_S1_SECONDS is supposed to show a message as a ExShowScreenMessage. Some SystemMessage got that property. So if your ask got nothing to do with customs, and you want simply add the function correctly, I got no idea why it is wrong for you (or eventually you are using a chronicle where such packet wasn't *EVENTUALLY* existing).

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private static void SendServerQuit(int seconds)


SystemMessage sysm = SystemMessage.getSystemMessage(SystemMessageId.THE_SERVER_WILL_BE_COMING_DOWN_IN_S1_SECONDS);




I'm assuming you meant to change the highlighted part with ExShowScreenMessage. I did that and sadly, it didn't work.

I should probably mention that there was no "ExShowScreenMessage.java" file in my serverpackets, so I added one I found online.


(I forgot to say in my first post that I use L2j Server Interlude)

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L2J IL hasn't that packet registered. You can find correct implementation on aCis for exemple. L2JFrozen probably got it aswell.


About the use :


Broadcast.toAllOnlinePlayers(new ExShowScreenMessage(param1, 2, 3, ...));


You didn't answer about if you wanted to use for custom or to fix Shutdown.java. As I stated, if you want to fix Shutdown.java, you have to search elsewhere, probably SystemMessage system itself is broken.

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