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Pauler/Snoopi/Koza Warned for spamming.


Rules Of MaxCheaters by Maxtor:

2: Offtopic & Flame posts will not be tolerated

    Also bad behavior, trolling, racism is not allowed at all.

    (Continuous bad behavior EVEN at PMs/Profile Comments/Spam section are not allowed ,punishable by Moderators ONLY)

5: No greek(or other language) in english topics and no english in greek(or other language) topics

    Use tags in titles if you want to discuss in another languages, example [GR] eimai ellinas.

9: Trolling,Drama,threatening others,fighting in public are not allowed

    Trolling others, making drama stories , threatening others, fighting in public, talking about DDosing friendly sites, talking about police, goverment, lawyers etc..... ARE NOT ALLOWED.


So you're not allowed to dekarma everyone for silly reasons.


You are not following the rules too and I can ban you for that because I have already warned you.


(Date Registered-Karma-Posts-Shares-Total Time Logged in are some criteria. Also must be 18+,clever, not pathetic, not emo, not asslicking, not attacking others,not swearing,not -Karma,respect from others).


[gr]aftoi oi kanones einai sevastoi apo tous mods?


Since you start that fight I will continue. Who are you to judge me and my actions?


Snoopi's karma goes to 0.


About me and elfo I dont really care if you report me on Maxtor.


Keep going on this way and ban is coming(I am speaking generally) .


Tin thesi oxi alla tulaxistun na mbun new pu einai pio sovari kai kanun kala tin duleia tus!


[GR]Να βάλουμε εσένα που δεν ξέρεις που να κάνεις ποστ. Άσε μας.[/gr]

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