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Who is the most loved GFX Mód?


Who is the best GFX Mód from the current ones?  

15 members have voted

  1. 1. Who is the best GFX Mód from the current ones?

    • xDrac
    • MixMasteR

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let me laugh hahaha..

Even if the topic is a bot fail for me judging people'e opinions is not tolarated.That's why poll exists.


Or not?

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I see him more active.That why I am saying it.:)

+ Helpfull + He is active at most ShowCase to tell your Mistakes + corect you and tell you what to do to make better your outecome etc..

SO we Love xDrac..:D

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Even if the topic is a bot fail for me judging people'e opinions is not tolarated.That's why poll exists.


Or not?


This poll its just for reminding some right things in this fórum just this.

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