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interlude [L2J] l2thor 150 on


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erver Information:


Interlude PvP Server 5000x


Why you should join?

No lag

No rolback

Unique custom features

90% of skills balanced

90% of classes balanced...


General Server Rate


Experience: x5000

Spexperience: x5000

Party Experience: x2

Adena: x5000

Drop Item Karma: DROP

Drop Raid: Custom

Enchant Rate


Safe Enchant +3

Max Enchant +10 (with normal scroll 60% +) (Blessed 75%)

Max with Crystal Scroll +16 100% (Just from +10 to +16)

Normal Scroll Rate: 75% +

Blessed Scroll Rate: 100%

Special Scroll Rate: 100%


Server Buff System


60 Buff Slots

6 Debuff Slots

Town Buff NPC: 4 Hour Buff Duration

If you die in any zone you will never lost your buffs


Olympiad System


We use Interlude Retail like system

Satrt - 18:00 End 12:00 Time Zone +0

Hero Period - 1 Weeks

Anti feed/check olympiad system ( custom )


Subclass Features


No Quest Item request for Subclasses

Max sub class per char = 5

Clan/Ally Features


Clan/Ally/Clan Reputation sell in Custom Npc named "Clan Manager"

Max Clans in ally 3

No penalty when you leave or dismiss clan

Clan level 6/7/8 need 5/10/15 Members


Custom Command System


.online - show online members

.deposit - deposit your adena and transform in gold barr

.withdraw - take back your adena


Custom Features


All New Players will start level 80 All New Players will start with 500kk Adena Game Settings Panel - Give you change for better Game Play Custom Borad System - Give you extra information and few options Custom Farm Zone - The zone will give you farm stones

Custom Armor Top

Custom Weapons Top

Custom`s Tatoo


Augment Features


Max Augments per char 2 ( 1 active + 1 passive ) Mid-Grade Life Stone Skill Chance - 5% High-Grade Life Stone Skill Chance - 5% Top-Grade Life Stone Skill Chance - 10%


Server's Host Details


CPU: AMD X6 Buldozer 3.5 GHZ


2x SSD HD: 120GB

NET: 1000Mbit Upload/Download International Connection

SO: Windows Server 2003 x64

Location: Europe

Backup system

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i know this srv is romanian srv and gm is corupted


:dat: this server again opened to gain some money and will be closed again ;)  :-beep- yeah:

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:dat: this server again opened to gain some money and will be closed again ;)  :-beep- yeah:



I don't know about the server but they have really interested dedicated server.

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dude stop flame ...yo get ban on yor account and now ...yo make post on forum ...coruption bla bla .....gif me profe the phx work .......and i em the owner.....and i dont make srv for mony ....and closse this topic....

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