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interlude L2OFF Psycho


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that will be fixed ... with err for counter ... just leave admin to do his job as well ... maybe there is more important thing of this to put counter :? did you login and try it

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dead server.. 10-12 ppl  9 of them off line


just don't argue ........ it's forbiden ! u never playing on l2psycho or know that server try it play a little and u will understand previus time on psycho start was with 60 + onlines i still remember correctly and after a week there was 800+ u can ask it on forum that everyone can told u that's are the true about server ! Active Gm's everything is working perfectly + daily update's on server which admin inform all player's on the server about them


10-12 there u're wrong ;)

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dead server.. 10-12 ppl  9 of them off line


just don't argue ........ it's forbiden ! u never playing on l2psycho or know that server try it play a little and u will understand previus time on psycho start was with 60 + onlines i still remember correctly and after a week there was 800+ u can ask it on forum that everyone can told u that's are the true about server ! Active Gm's everything is working perfectly + daily update's on server which admin inform all player's on the server about them


10-12 there u're wrong ;)

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AAXAA l2bulgarian shit l2off Be sure for that


xa0xa0xa l2epic kozakoc failer u can shut up and learn how to make server before opening them :D



Btw Zaken is 100% not a 70% mistake on features :)

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First of all there is only 1 dev/admin on this server. Server never had more than 100 (tops), and its less than 60 as we speak! And can you explain what's so special about this project ? One more Interlude with typical features. Even if its better than frozen sh!t, its still a copy-paste project!

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First of all there is only 1 dev/admin on this server. Server never had more than 100 (tops), and its less than 60 as we speak! And can you explain what's so special about this project ? One more Interlude with typical features. Even if its better than frozen sh!t, its still a copy-paste project!


nc joke copy-paste ? what is the special have ofcourse many deily update's alot fun no wiping no Donating for epics or items like in cleaver or other server's u never playing before psycho for explain you what is special on that server u must try it and found it with urself !



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I tried...like I said, nothing special! There's no difference from the bunch. No people to play with.

And about donations, well you can buy both ally Lv5 quest mark and manes, which means you can craft your S gear w/o farming...!

And don't compare it with cleaver, because that server its just garbage no matter how many are playing there...

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I tried...like I said, nothing special! There's no difference from the bunch. No people to play with.

And about donations, well you can buy both ally Lv5 quest mark and manes, which means you can craft your S gear w/o farming...!

And don't compare it with cleaver, because that server its just garbage no matter how many are playing there...


okey u can buying manes and molars from donating shop but there is i will say it again DONATION FOR ITEMS AUGMENTION SKILLS AND EPIC JEWELS ! like ur dumbass cleaver + that last time they was alot corruption and he failed of this reasson !

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okey u can buying manes and molars from donating shop but there is i will say it again DONATION FOR ITEMS AUGMENTION SKILLS AND EPIC JEWELS ! like ur dumbass cleaver + that last time they was alot corruption and he failed of this reasson !

That's true...cleaver doesn't worth...

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okey u can buying manes and molars from donating shop but there is i will say it again DONATION FOR ITEMS AUGMENTION SKILLS AND EPIC JEWELS ! like ur dumbass cleaver + that last time they was alot corruption and he failed of this reasson !

You really need to read before you post!!! Everyone knows cleaver is crap, that's why I said don't compare it with that garbage! Is that your benchmark ? You think psycho is great just because its better than cleaver...?

I will say it one more time, its a typical mid and there are tons of servers like psycho out there!

Why would anyone want to join your server, when there is nobody playing ? Just take a look at clan section..only 3 clans and probably one of them already left...just face it, its a ghost server.

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You really need to read before you post!!! Everyone knows cleaver is crap, that's why I said don't compare it with that garbage! Is that your benchmark ? You think psycho is great just because its better than cleaver...?

I will say it one more time, its a typical mid and there are tons of servers like psycho out there!

Why would anyone want to join your server, when there is nobody playing ? Just take a look at clan section..only 3 clans and probably one of them already left...just face it, its a ghost server.


ofc psycho will be the best IL mid-rate server where can playing w/o nervous and have a fun + balanced on classes and anty heavy-system for char's !!! i playing psycho too long and i can tell u that psycho is 100% more better server w/o sh1ts and corruption like cleaver on psycho when u report smth u get answering from admin on ur topic what u made about bugs or smth other when u make post in cleaver u need waiting them more than 1 day for get answer !


cleaver have many ppls online but will be fail server for ever !

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