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New rank for MaxCheaters.com . Since i need help to manage this forum im adding a new rank named CoAdmin.


Basically this rank has priviledges like:


- Manage boards and categories

(This permission allows creation, editing and removal of boards and categories.)

- Manage and assign membergroups

(This permission allows a user to edit membergroups and assign membergroups to other members.)

- Manage attachments and avatars

(This permission allows access to the attachment center, where all forum attachments and avatars are listed and can be removed.)

- Manage smileys and message icons

(This allows access to the smiley center. In the smiley center you can add, edit and remove smileys and smiley sets. If you've enabled customized message icons you are also able to add and edit message icons with this permission.)

- Edit news

(The news function allows a random news line to appear on each screen. In order to use the news function, enabled it in the forum settings.)

- Access the moderation center

(With this permission any members of this group can access the moderation center from where they will have access to functionality to ease moderation. Note that this does not in itself grant any moderation privileges.)

- Manage Topic Prefix

(Sets if the user can manage the topic prefix.)

- Moderate forum members

(This permission includes all important member moderation functions: access to registration management,access to the view/delete members screen,extensive profile info, including track IP/user and (hidden) online status,activate accounts,get approval notifications and approve accounts,immune to ignore PM,several small things)

- Manage ban list

(This permission allows a user to add or remove usernames, IP addresses, hostnames and email addresses to a list of banned users. It also allows a user to view and remove log entries of banned users that attempted to login.)

- Issue warnings to members

(Issue a warning to members of the forum and change that members' warning level. Requires the warning system to be enabled.)


+Global Moderators priviledges.

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