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[L2J]Meya - high rate x1000 - NO custom items - online since 08.12.2012

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mom give u money for open server? 50$ its not enough, cya after start we will see this crap. GL


Look cunt, did no one ever tell you not to judge things you don't know? Better stay quiet than talk nonsense, remember it.


I never understood your idiotic DDoS attacks, but if it will make you feel better, GO AHEAD. Fukin' weirdo zjebanpolak


Look cunt, did no one ever tell you not to judge things you don't know? Better stay quiet than talk nonsense, remember it.


I never understood your idiotic DDoS attacks, but if it will make you feel better, GO AHEAD. Fukin' weirdo zjebanpolak


he? I dont want to ddos it..


Patient. It opens at 06.00 PM GMT +1.


[We have a little problem with our log in server, so unfortunately there will be an 15-30 minutes delay with opening.


Thank you for your understanding.]


what ops? stop spam..

0 days 0 hours -1 minutes -54 secounds - info on site, when it will be open? its still down. 1h more?


Ops :D xaxaxaxxa server open -1minutes :D

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