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[L2J]Meya European PvP Server - The Best Times Comming:[Tommorow 08.12 at 18.00]

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Looks reaally awesome and I am going to check this as soon as it comes online. I love client and rates. Good job so far :)


D3mayo, si Slovenec?


dont you think that buff slots are kinda many?better make it max 30-32...

36 is the whole buff slots I think wich means probably 24buffs/12s/d :)


weak theme on forum, looks like made in paint

hehe its not paint(no image) only php+css about colors, i just maked it so fast. I will fix it to make beautiful:)

Start location of player L2Meya Interlude PvP. Quite interesting, I think you will like. The passage consists of 3 stages, the screenshot is shown a basic one in which you hit a few minutes 40lvl dress for free in C grade and you move through the teleporter to the next stage.




good features at all,im a h5 rpg player but always lover of interlude. i hope to find there 2 things

1. no overpower archers/daggers



gl,im gonna try.

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