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[L2J]Meya European PvP Server - The Best Times Comming:[Tommorow 08.12 at 18.00]

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We are glad to announce that a brand NEW project called







which is about too OPEN on 08.12.2012 at 06.00 PM [GMT +1]







First of all, we would like to take this opportunity to get all you future players up too speed on a few things you should know about this project. It all started about 3 years ago, when the admin (Joker) started developing an old L2J pack. Through years, he reworked, fixed and replaced almost every part of the original platform. That means, the am0unt of time invested into this exact pack is ENORMOUS. We are not saying it is perfect, but we are sure that it is one of the most processed private servers at this moment. You find that hard to believe? Come and see for yourself, we all know actions speaks louder than words! (Make sure too report any exploits, bugs, geodata corruptions that you see in game  - we will reward it with a warm feeling, that your made our server a better place to play). We wish all of you loads of fun, and remember, behind every character there is a real person.











|_  EXPERIENCE  _|_    x1000  _|



|_        ADENA      _|_    x1000  _|


|_    (EPICS)DROP    _|_        x1        _|





[ Other rates are irrelevent. Therefor we are not dispayling them. !Remember, this is a PvP server! ]










|_            SAFE ENCHANT            _|_    +4      _|



|_      MAX ENCHANT/ARMOR      _|_    +12    _|


|_    MAX ENCHANT/WEAPON    _|_    +16    _|






|_  BLESSED ENCHANT RATE  _|_      %66      _|



|_  CRYSTAL ENCHANT RATE  _|_      %100    _|










~ Unique balance made for PvP, so most of the classes are playable and enjoyable. ~


~ You can use 1 active and 1 passive agument skill. Chance to get a skill is 12%. [stats increases for  10%] ~


~ There is a NPC buffer with 1st, 2nd and 3th class buffs from all classes. ~


~ Buff slots are limited too 36  +  4 debuffs bar. ~


~ All the buffs duration time is 2 hours. ~


~ Auto events like Deathmatch and Team vs. Team with a custom reward. ~


~ Subclass is free and can be done without quest. ~


~ Noblesse quest is customize. In order too become noble, Barakiel needs to be killed. He drops an special noblesse item witch is tradable. He is spawned in a custom area and has 1-2h respawn time ~


~ Olympiad is retail like. That means matches are everyday from 20.00 till 00.00 GTM +1. Period is set too one week ~


~ There is NO custom items! But you can find tattooes. ~


~ Clanhalls are customized ~


~ Only 3 castles are siegeable for now. Later on, we decide if more will be opened ~


~ Maximum players in one clan is limited to 31. Maximum clans in one ally is limited to 2 ~


~ Spawn protection last for 30 seconds ~


~ PvP color system that starts with 1000th kill ~


~ Reward for PVPs/PKs ~


~ Fights messages [You have killed "XYZ" 5 times] ~


~ Global Gatekeeper [Also for raidbosses, so you don't need any quests] ~


~ All subclasses in one NPC ~


~ All skills enchanter in one NCP ~


~ Wedding and fishing system works ~


~ Safe farming zone for newcomers ~


~ Solo and party farming zones [with easy & hard mobs] ~


~ Over 12 custom raid bosses with a solid drop, 1 hour respawn ~










~ Dedicated machines are located in Poland ~


~ Connection 1Gbp/s, Hard Drive SAS 15k RPM, CPU 4GHZ, Memory 6GB DDR3 ~


~ Operation system, Linux Debian x64 configured for server hosting ~


~ Regular copy of database game (every 6 hours) ~


~ Auto server restart (every 12 hours) ~


~ Anti Flood/DDoS security module ~


~ Hardware firewall to protect all kinds of network attacks ~





Visit us at

www.l2meya.eu(make sure you check "HOME" for active news)



I'd rather +3 safe / +10 max and only 1 augmentation skill to be allowed, passive or active. Seems to be an awesome project, Good luck niggers.


Thank you for the good wishes and for sharing your opinion, but we think the features you are seeing will stay intact.


427 pageviews, u should make better advertisement :) GL.


I agree. Do you know any other good forums, except topzone, hopzone and this one, too advertise even more?


I agree. Do you know any other good forums, except topzone, hopzone and this one, too advertise even more?


yes he should, if he want take some ppl ;d

go make topic in all forums which u know, cause w/o advertisement your server will be 0


yes he should, if he want take some ppl ;d

go make topic in all forums which u know, cause w/o advertisement your server will be 0


We are counting on players too see the potential in this project, so lets hope the server will advertise itself just by being a good place too play. But still, I will try to spread the news everywhere. Thanks for your concern mister, we appreciate it.


Thank you for the good wishes and for sharing your opinion, but we think the features you are seeing will stay intact.



you're missing the point. Well, being close to "retail" it's always a good achievement. Which can bring some "good community".



you're missing the point. Well, being close to "retail" it's always a good achievement. Which can bring some "good community".


Well, 1st thing I learned about retail platform was, the PVP just wasn't balanced on it (specially on C6 client). So you see, in order to create a good community for an interlude PVP server, your data should be far from retail. But then again.. this is my opinion. I admire all who tries too achieve balance based on a raw L2OFF files.


Well, 1st thing I learned about retail platform was, the PVP just wasn't balanced on it (specially on C6 client). So you see, in order to create a good community for an interlude PVP server, your data should be far from retail. But then again.. this is my opinion. I admire all who tries too achieve balance based on a raw L2OFF files.



i was just talkin' for a non-starwars server like the rest. You actually need to focus "solely" on your ddos-protection once it might be your main problem already.


The First thing that you must take care is ddos attacks. Many servers told that they had a protect but they fell the same day.

If ur server can handle the attacks then u will succes!



Good luck



Thank you.



The First thing that you must take care is ddos attacks. Many servers told that they had a protect but they fell the same day.

If ur server can handle the attacks then u will succes!



We realize that. Therefore we made our security really effective. I'm not saying it cannot be taken down, but that it works really good.



dont you think that buff slots are kinda many?better make it max 30-32...



Our crew will have a talk about that. Thank you for your suggestion.


We have Network level ddos protection means that we block the attack that come on the network (udp, tcp, syn etc.), its something like proxy filter.

Also server has hardware firewall which stop flood network, mass packets send and other.

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