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interlude [L2OFF] -L2Dismay *Grand Opening* 14th of December 2012-

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*L2Dismay - Interlude - 14th of December 2012*

You asked for it. You posted your suggestions. We made it for you. We are going LIVE !

Got tired of playing copy-paste servers and see almost the same features all the time ?

Do you search for something unique ?

Do you have clan and want to compete other great and powerful clans ?

Or you play solo and search for  recruitment and be a part of a team ?

Do you love stability and flawless gameplay ?

Then you better start registering, because L2Dismay is back !

Join us at our Facebook Page: http://www.facebook.com/L2Dismay

Visit us at our Website: http://l2dismay.com/


EDIT: I really wanted to say a HUGE thanks for your kind words guys.

We will go even bigger this time, because of all of the community who is following us!

Remember, features are still on the discussion table so we still want to hear your ideas!

Always remember to check this first post to be up to date regarding our project.

Suggestions are OPENED !


Do you like epic raiding ?

*Daily raiding*



Do you like raid events ?

*More often*



Do you like population ?

*Great Community*



Do you like sieges ?

*Powerful Clans*




Do you like PVP Events ?

*More Often*



Then that's the place to be!

We still want your suggestions, we want your opinion!

We made this for YOU, we need YOU!

Give us your ideas, discuss about them!

Tell us why we should make it happen and we need details please..

Please avoid flames, let's socialize and stay calm..!


Give us some information's!


Server Experience, Safe Max, Some Features etc.. :)


Give me the right answer and we will log for sure!


I won't give you spesific information, but I'll tell you in a few words what you have to know.

Server will be Mid-rate.

Enchant rates aren't decided yet,

about Features, I should just say, this will be unique..

New ideas, our ideas, community's ideas will be on the features.

Want to help us out?

Visit our forum, register and start posting suggestions,

many of the features are based on your taste of gameplay, because

we want you to tell us how you believe this server would be nice.


P.S: Don't expect to see in-game what you suggested, we will decide by asking you guys, regarding some features like custom zones etc.

Feel free to check it out, you will see by yourself http://l2dismay.com



Any info about opening? Some servers (seems cool) opening in December and cant decide if play dismay since dont know opening date. Please give us some info.


I won't give you spesific information, but I'll tell you in a few words what you have to know.

Server will be Mid-rate.

Enchant rates aren't decided yet,

about Features, I should just say, this will be unique..

New ideas, our ideas, community's ideas will be on the features.


Thanks.. i think we gonna start it.. :) let us up to date if any new...


Any info about opening? Some servers (seems cool) opening in December and cant decide if play dismay since dont know opening date. Please give us some info.


The launch date isn't decided yet, I'll post here if we announce something about it.

Well, I understand what you are saying, check the history of Dismay/Rebound (Same Owner/Team) and see if it worth waiting for it.

Server is re-opening due to way to many requests from people.

We do this for you, and because of the respect we received, we will do our best

and this time we promise it will go even better than the old times.


Thanks.. i think we gonna start it.. :) let us up to date if any new...


Sure, check this thread often, I'll post here the announcements too.

If you like, feel free to register on our forum too to get much more infos regarding the server.


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