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classic [L2j]L2NewClassic REBORN - New* Unique PvP Server [Start 30.11.2012]

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I want to present you something in old style since c4 times as you remember it was greatly L2Gold Server. They start with no customs and best balance class forever. Today i have a good day, because i can show this style with newest chronicle Interlude. I hope my new work will interested you again and create the best community for long time.

  I promise you good and stable game on well polished server. Because i see only servers created by newbies admin. they do not know what is core developing and no experience about configured server OS system. I do all the best for set up this game on perfect!




* Full Interlude like official based on l2java

* Fully working Interlude skills

* Own Project, worked about 3 years

* Fully working clan system

* Debuff bar working

* Active staff

* Fair donations

* DDOS Protection (5Gpbs filter)

* Server has special balance

* Remaked olympiad (full official)

* Core has beend cleaned, for maked high performance quality gameplay

Server Rates :

Rate : XP : 1000x - Adena : 1000x

Blessed Enchant Rate : 66%

  Crystal Enchant Rate : 100%

Chance Agumentation : 12%

Safe enchant : +3

Max Weapon : 16

    Max Armor : 12


Server Features :

FuLL Buffer

Buff time: 2 hours

Custom Clan Halls!

No Custom Items!

Teleport spawn are safe 30 seconds

Auto Events, TvT and DeathMatch

Over 12 boss with customised drops

Olympiad (official standards) game play 20:00 - 00:00 +1GMT, everyweek new hero

PvP Color system, start when pvp=1000

You can have 1 active and 1 passive agumentation skills (only +10% increased stats)

Fights messages ex. "You have killed XYZ 5 times."

Max 31 players in one clan, max 2 clan in one ally

Special balance class (as oryginal l2gold c4)

NPC Grand Boss Teleporter

Respawn Grand Bosses (30h - Valakas, Baium =&= 12h - Core, Orfen, Frintezza, Zaken, Queen Ant)

Pvp/PK rewards

All subclasses in one npc

All skills enchant in one npc

Announce castle lord login

Wedding, Fishing Systems

100% Castle Sieges


Farming Informations :

Custom ecomic system

Normal Zone for easy farm

Special newbie farm zone

Special strongly mobs for extra drop

Special bosses zone for party farm

Special Server informations:

- connect 1Gbp/s, Hard Drive SAS 15k RPM, CPU 4GHZ, Memory 6GB DDR3

- operation system, Linux Debian x64 configured for server hosting

- regular copy of database game (every 6 hours)

- auto server restart (every 12 hours)

- anti Flood/DDoS security module

- hardware firewall for protect all networkd attacks


Yes, always server was protected but not by all types of attack.

  For now server is fully protected in 100% by all types of attack. Special dedication to company https://ddos-guard.net


Who cares, is a boring IL pvp server like everyone else... to easy.


But i dont see anything special...

You can see much speacial things, which u cant see in game at other servers. I cant write features server like spam for full info about server. You have just to check it after login.


Who cares, is a boring IL pvp server like everyone else... to easy.

hey man maybe stop play l2?

You cant see about something, what u dont see never. I suggest you just join for check how is going play on l2newclassic.com this time.


I promise you good and stable game on well polished server.

Because i see only servers created by newbies admin. they do not know what is core developing and no have experience about configured server OS system.


I promise you good and stable game on well polished server.

Because i see only servers created by newbies admin. they do not know what is core developing and no have experience about configured server OS system.


aaa.. yes, they are newbies, but u are pro :) how many times u failed? :)


aaa.. yes, they are newbies, but u are pro :) how many times u failed? :)


Slab why you shut up?

And now, you will write: I dont refresh mxc forum all time like u, yes?

You dont have courage to speak us how many times u failed?:) hey guys, I see perfect admin here


aaa.. yes, they are newbies, but u are pro :) how many times u failed? :)

u mean this ddos attacks?only this make fail on my servers, but sorry its not my wrong when sm1 attack or company wchich write they have ddos protection and anyway server get attacks. anti-guard.com company is trusted and they for sure will keep server alive. Ah and im not pro, im just work long time with much servers and have own skills in developing java. I do not download ready pack and edit him datapack files with set config.

u mean this ddos attacks?only this make fail on my servers, but sorry its not my wrong when sm1 attack or company wchich write they have ddos protection and anyway server get attacks. anti-guard.com company is trusted and they for sure will keep server alive.


so first you should read something about ddos company which you choose

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