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This server is one of most corrupted servers, GMS are giving to their friends edited skills. I ve see doombringer rushing with at least 2000 range and was loled


This server is one of most corrupted servers, GMS are giving to their friends edited skills. I ve see doombringer rushing with at least 2000 range and was loled

what a stupid thing did you say... you can't edit a rush only for 1 single char

learn something about server before say shit only for make flame

aeron is unbalanced and full of bug but don't say lie without sense...


what a stupid thing did you say... you can't edit a rush only for 1 single char

learn something about server before say shit only for make flame

aeron is unbalanced and full of bug but don't say lie without sense...


If i make it for you right now, do you post in all sections "my name is adminparadox and i am the most dumpiest guy!" ? deal? U will say me i dont know about servers.


If i make it for you right now, do you post in all sections "my name is adminparadox and i am the most dumpiest guy!" ? deal? U will say me i dont know about servers.

the only way for do it is make a custom skill (this mean they should put the custom skill in the system too... so very big work for take a rush)

in any case or scenario the doombringer that seems gm char (someone alredy told in this topic before) should be kaiser? (if i remember good)

i play here sometime and i beat all doombringers i meet so i really doubt there are a doombringer gm char


This server is one of most corrupted servers, GMS are giving to their friends edited skills. I ve see doombringer rushing with at least 2000 range and was loled

More craps next time.


its 1 side server with huge numbers(GAZ) other clans left or  quitting.....sv is just to custom and Lime don't give a fck about balance


if u don't like it, u're free to create ur own server with top balance.


This server is one of most corrupted servers, GMS are giving to their friends edited skills. I ve see doombringer rushing with at least 2000 range and was loled


we know that ;) and not only on skills, admins gms punish players via requests of their friends  :D


we know that ;) and not only on skills, admins gms punish players via requests of their friends  :D


This server is one of most corrupted servers, GMS are giving to their friends edited skills. I ve see doombringer rushing with at least 2000 range and was loled

More craps next time.

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