Geia sas paidia exw l2jfrozen kai tha ithela na mathw se pio file sto eclipse uparxh auth h edolh if (getLevel() == 40) thelw na allaksw to 40 kai na to kanw 80 etc otan allazeis subclass na eisai apeythias lvl 80... apla to provlima einai dn kserw s pio arxeio einai autos o kwdikas... mporei kaneis na me help?
i need someone to coding to me l2off files h5 i have zero knowlegde i have the files its from advext64 i need to added comuntity board and events etc.. i have price
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Geia sas paidia exw l2jfrozen kai tha ithela na mathw se pio file sto eclipse uparxh auth h edolh if (getLevel() == 40) thelw na allaksw to 40 kai na to kanw 80 etc otan allazeis subclass na eisai apeythias lvl 80... apla to provlima einai dn kserw s pio arxeio einai autos o kwdikas... mporei kaneis na me help?
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