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[L2j]-New L2Ereos PvP Server Reborn on 7.12.2012 !!!!

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http://www.facebook.com/pages/Lineage-2-Ereos/342907805807653 LIKE our page

Also check and vote your favorite event from sunday night !


Post suggestions that you think it will help us !

Keep it cool guys , you will have enough time to fight inside the game !!

Dont forget about our event from facebook and suggestions on forum !

ADVERTISE Tomorrow is the big day !


SiD you poor -leeching-.. didn't you learn the last time you cried?? :D

I don't cry but , I'm sad for your negative blood ! You need eat much meat for positive blood !


thanks , we are working hard to make it look like this , also we got some economy changes to the server ! You will be surprised to see the features inside the game ! We did several changes to farm system , instead of farming in 5 zones , we did only 1 ( Ruins of Despair ) with mobs and we have 3 Floors from TOI with 4 RB's on each floor to encourage pvping and encourage clans get their players and do some pve ( you can pvp up since you will need to fight for your spot in ROD and at RB's ) and lets not forget about Grand RB's , you can do them retail way and fight with your enemies in order to get your own RB or you can get them from pvp with our pvp system ranked ( UNIQUE ) ! We added features from midrates + highrates in order to create the best way to pvp , pve and not to get bored !

Dont forget its not an usual highrate server where you make items +20 and bang you go pvp and after 1 day you leave because you are bored of pvping anymore , NO , this server its encouraging ppl pvping with items they already have , because making a +10 weapon or a +10 armor or even +10 jewels its quite hard ( since all highrate servers are the same making +20 items and then afking in giran , we wanted players to enjoy a midrate server with highrate experience aka 1000x )

we fixed rbs from TOI ( drops ,re-spawn time )

we fixed pvp ranked system ( some buggs we didnt anticipated to see )

we fixed nukers ( having to much MC with pow , wm )

we fixed warlord stun reuse ( it had 1 sec xd , changed it to retail )



We will try to add CHAOTIC ZONE at GRAND RBs so we can encourage pvps even more !

Dont forget about event and suggestions

http://www.facebook.com/pages/Lineage-2-Ereos/342907805807653 LIKE our page

Also check and vote your favorite event from sunday night !


Post suggestions that you think it will help us !


gl guys i will join i heard from some guys that server will go down from ddos is this true can i have a answer from staff . i hope u have because it's just stupid to announce a opening when u don't have ddos protection , from the time that every server is going down for this reason . gl i hope server will run smoothly and w/o any corruption !


gl guys i will join i heard from some guys that server will go down from ddos is this true can i have a answer from staff . i hope u have because it's just stupid to announce a opening when u don't have ddos protection , from the time that every server is going down for this reason . gl i hope server will run smoothly and w/o any corruption !



Antwnakhs power, katexis esy.


gl guys i will join i heard from some guys that server will go down from ddos is this true can i have a answer from staff . i hope u have because it's just stupid to announce a opening when u don't have ddos protection , from the time that every server is going down for this reason . gl i hope server will run smoothly and w/o any corruption !


where is the point to open a server if is not ddos protected ? and yes we are protected against ddos


gl guys i will join i heard from some guys that server will go down from ddos is this true can i have a answer from staff . i hope u have because it's just stupid to announce a opening when u don't have ddos protection , from the time that every server is going down for this reason . gl i hope server will run smoothly and w/o any corruption !

server its going to be online 100% , there will be no corruption i can quarante you that and yes we have a strong ddos protection !


show you .. soon if see you server where i play ;d l2renassance .. bg clan + koza alliance all gf and all get ban  reason bg admin ;d good luck bg clan now i know all ppl from more server now say all come play one clan stop go -beep- tr gr and other clan ;d and me clan cs your clan 1v1 no one change kill me namber you kill me = 0 change

"You know all ppl from more server" but im wondering if they know you ...

all know me ... and all play  in elitesquad wait see igrai si sas albanci g1rci  ...


elitesquad? next wannabe?


btw srly i don't know you in game dude.. anyway gl if you join with your "mangal" clan :D


Im back with more infos , we fixed some classes ( they were broken and we started to balance them from 0 )

also we need your opinion on this question , you want sieges only on Aden and Giran to increase the pvps and encourage clans group up and get many mass pvps or you want this thing retail ( all castles available , so there will be no such think as mass pvps ) tell us your opinion what you think it will help server !

Also dont forget to post suggestions over here http://l2ereos.com/forum/index.php

Like our facebook page http://www.facebook.com/pages/Lineage-2-Ereos/342907805807653

Keep advertising our server , so we can get maximum players on the GO

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