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Im not critising  the company but the program they use its not Relliable its a program that alllow the Company to Oversell and its not working well with java . (its not something i invent you can search on web on bug reports) 



About the company i can see that is a company that telling the truth at customers and thats makes her relliable.


P.S i would suggest xen virtualization for a l2 server not open vz .


P.S 2 ) Im telling again that i m not critisize the company! I think that they are relliable just the Open Vz

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Up to now, java has worked fine even if many of our clients use unreliable l2j projects. Right now we have 5 l2j servers on our network.


Yes, OpenVZ can be used for overselling, but we don't do so (it's easy to bottleneck on I/O with game servers, as most of our competition does with Xen or KVM already, so we don't try it).


We already provide KVM as "beta" for some selected customers uppon request and we plan to open KVM on public. But KVM has networking limitations (like one IP only) and since most of our clients are web hosts, this would be a serious issue.


To finish, OpenVZ has proven to have better performance than KVM or Xen or other hypervisors.

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The next 10 clients will have 10% recurring discount forever!

Just use "forever10" coupon code on checkout.

It only applies to one order per client.


Offer is over, all coupons has been consumed.


Also KVM offer is over. In the next months we will open this service in public. If you are still interested please contact us:


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  • 3 weeks later...

We now offer KVM (Windows, Linux, FreeBSD) virtualized servers. Soon we will update our website for more details. If you are interested, PM me.


PS. We accept payments via PaySafe card too.

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