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Uhm, just a question.

That part of the face on the right corner is out of the borders on purpose? Well, if it is it's pretty...nonsense tbh.

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Uhm, just a question.

That part of the face on the right corner is out of the borders on purpose? Well, if it is it's pretty...nonsense tbh.


oh yeah i dont see it :p i will fix it Right Now :D

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Really nice lighting here romeo if this is your work its very nice. I would decrease a little bit the brightness on his face. KIU

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Really nice lighting here romeo if this is your work its very nice. I would decrease a little bit the brightness on his face. KIU


Thanks Obs i will Try to make Another one :p

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What is that? 1px orange stroke line on the text? I'd change the color and possibly the opacity. Looks good overall though.


i will change the colors

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