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Ok i spawned buffer, but when i click on html link for example dances, nothing happen.. WTF?


How to install?

1. Add this in the gs/data/ scripts.cfg


2. Buffer folder to


3. Edit gameserver\data\scripts\custom\Buffer Buffer.java and change npc's id

int NPC_BUFF_ID = 12345;   //Buffer's id

4. Npc's type must be L2Npc.

5. Enjoy and test  .


Older version of buffer requires to tick a box, newer needs sqls executed in database.


Also, 270rev of aCis has a bug.


Im using rev 280, and i got error. I ur steps 1) change scritps.cfg and add this line "custom/Buffer/Buffer.java", 2) add Buffer folder to gameserver\data\scripts\custom , 3) took from database anyn[c id which type is L2Npc, and spawn it. When I click on buffer i can see html links, but when i click on it, nothing happend , when I use option after log-off i got error inside java console.


I spawned another buffer with _init_.py , and same problem, i Can easly spawn him,click on him, but when click any of his links, there is no response, nothing. No errors in java console ? Does anyone knows what is that ?




Edit(1). Ok i spawned ur buffer , tick a box, and now works ony when box is "ticked" in my java console have errors " acis.buffsets doesnt exists




Edit(2). Error on: C:\aCis3\gameserver\data\scripts\custom\99_NPCBuffer\__init__.py.error.log

Line: -1 - Column: -1


No engine registered for extension (py)


aCis pack dont work with *.py extensions ?


I spawned another buffer with _init_.py , and same problem, i Can easly spawn him,click on him, but when click any of his links, there is no response, nothing. No errors in java console ? Does anyone knows what is that ?




Edit(1). Ok i spawned ur buffer , tick a box, and now works ony when box is "ticked" in my java console have errors " acis.buffsets doesnt exists




Edit(2). Error on: C:\aCis3\gameserver\data\scripts\custom\99_NPCBuffer\__init__.py.error.log

Line: -1 - Column: -1


No engine registered for extension (py)


aCis pack dont work with *.py extensions ?


aCis is using quests written in java :) and only them, that's the reason i made this buffer


povis i rly like ur buffer is awesome, i would like to take buffer as urs at youtube , this edited version. Works for me when i click on it, scheme doesnt work. I execute sql, but something is wrong, can I take ur e-mail adress ? I rly want to have this buffer!!

  • 4 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

TextBuilder is part of Javolution, which has been dropped since rev 271. You can use StringBuilder instead, the best being getting HTMs unhardcoded (instant edit with "//reload htm", no String to build, stored only once but illimitate uses).


About getMaxLevel, you need only one parameter which is the skillId. I don't get the second int parameter.

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