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I need your feedback for this Zombie Apocalypse (DayZ-like) gameplay

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For those who don't know DayZ, it's a popular ArmA 2 mod that is all about surviving after a zombie apocalypse. You explore the land, salvage items, kill zombies, and interact with other players (both hostile and friendly). It's realistic - you have to eat, drink, bandage yourself, and just survive as long as you can, at all costs.


For anyone who hasn't seen my other posts, I am an experienced Java developer and have already created several of my own custom pvp events and other random things. My question is, do you think this type of gameplay could work for Lineage 2? Or would the medieval setting not synergize well with surviving a zombie apocalypse. Below is a quick overview of the basic gameplay, I just thought of this idea last night so I really can't go much into detail.


  • The world is plagued with zombies and hell-like creatures. There is no refugee or safe haven. Your mission is to survive, at all costs.
  • When you create a charcter, you will spawn randomly in the world with little to no equipment.
  • Items will spawn on the ground in random locations, such as buildings or a town. You will need to salvage these items (whether it be gear, food, or health items).
  • Since there is food, you would be able to salvage food and/or hunt the food from resourceful mobs.
  • There are no levels, but possibly unique skills to classes. I have yet to think of a way to incorporate skills into this, unless it's finding books from salvaging.
  • The game is realistic. There is no health regeneration, you need bandages to stop bleeding (if you a hurt enough, you will bleed out), and you will need food and health potions.
  • If you die, all of your gear is dropped (inventory and equipped). Players can loot your equipment. You will start over, being spawned in the world. The only thing you will keep is skills and such.
  • Every class will be stripped of their skills and have the entire skill table re-made (you will still have your basic must- have passives). Each class with a unique skill(s) possibly.
  • You can't trust anyone. There could be friendly players out there, but some will be looking to strip you of your gear and gain precious loot.
  • There will be a bandit system. If you kill players you become a bandit, if survivors (non-bandits) kill you, then they would get some extra rewards.


This is just the basic idea. Of course if I were to do this, I would go much further into detail and utilize a lot of the features Lineage 2 has to offer, such as crafting and many other things.


Thanks in advance for any feedback.


its awesome idea but u will not gather many players i believe. Most of the ppl that are still playing, want to play lineage and it will not be lineage anymore. For sure its gonna be fun and i wish u the best, its really good idea and not hard to realize :)

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