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About server : <br>



-LeveL zone (almost instant level, 3 4 mobs and u reach max level)<br>

-2 atribute zone, instance where u can get in only with vote coins (x10 faster farm) and batterland (a bit hader farm)<br>

-GCM farm zone (normally with lower chance of drop but also can be obtain with vote coins , event coints, or raid boss)<br>

-Blessed Scroll Farm zone (normally with lower chance of drop but also can be obtain with vote coins , event coints, or raid boss)<br>

-3 big farm adena zones which are divided in 4-5 spots so new ppl can farm with out getting pk that often<br>

-special spot for certificate quest "you have everything u need in hardins academy"<br>

-special farm area "primavel wharf isle" where is also pvp area , you are always flagged in this area and also u can farm RCP by killing T-Rex<br>

-party farm zone

-GC farm area<br>

-GB farm area<br>




-blessed system of enchant (if u fail wont get to +0 ur item will decrese only -4, example if u have +10 item and u fail with bless will become +6)<br>

-Premium account (who incrased x2 drop)<br>

-Armor Glow effect<br>

-Hero Period - every week<br>

-newbie start - giran castle town with a box who contain directly S grade items<br>

-for clan level as characters you will need only 5 and ofcurse reputation points<br>

-starting level directly level 10<br>

-no clan grade penalty<br>

-divine inspitation autolearn<br>

-forgotten scroll autolearn<br>

-NPC delevel <br>

-protection against multiskillers

-mobs from party zone cant get lethals anymore (problem totaly fixed core side)

-PVP/PK color system (at a number of pvp/pk ur tittle or name will change color<br>

-Counter kill + special noises "like country strike" + reward<br>

-protection antibot - captcha system and login emulator<br>

-Vote reward - automatic<br>

-by holding shift and click n monsters u will see theyr drop as pictograms and chance of drop<br>

-announce lord castle <br>

-dark cloud manson special edited for farm atributes<br>

-custom animation skills<br>

-custom drop at epics<br>

-quests for RCP reedited for a higher reward<br>

-number of ammount of buffs 32/15<br>

-max enchant skills for a better balance in pvp is +15<br>

-globak GK<br>

-full gmshop<br>

-full protection against multiskillers




Normal Scroll : 75%<br>

Element Stone : 50%<br>

Blessed Enchant: 90%<br>

Max Enchant weapon: 16<br>

Max enchant armor: 16<br>

Safe Enchant: 6<br>

Augmentation NG Skill Chance: 15<br>

Augmentation Mid Skill Chance: 30<br>

Augmentation High Skill Chance: 45<br>

Augmentation Top Skill Chance: 50<br>


Events: <br><br>


Team vs Team<br>

Team vs Team on rounds<br>

Raid boss event (everybody who hits the rb will get something with out beeing in a party)<br>

Hide and seek<br>

Capture the flag<br>

Death Match<br>

Last Hero (amoung coins reward u get hero status untill u make rr or server gets rr)<br>

Capture the base<br>

Town War<br>





1000x1000x1000 (normal accounts)<br>

2000x2000x2000 (premium accounts)<br>


Voice commands useful for all players:<br><br>













.captcha (just in case the tab appears and disappear fast)<br>

.home (only in chaotic zone)<br>


Reward events:


TvT - 5 gb and 35 Blue eva (event coint)

Town War - 10 Blue eva per kill

DM - 5 gb and 35 Blue eva (event coint)

TvT on rounds - 5 gb and 35 Blue eva (event coint)

CTF - 40 Blue eva


this is only a part from what our server contains for more detalies join us today www.l2epicwarriors.org<br>




updates :

-farm zones updated - farm much easyer, drop incrased also the chance

-Kamel class quiet fixed (we still develop at this)

-geodata debugged and fixed

-epic rbs all 85 and drop fully customized "respawn 24 h  +\- 1 hour"



it has about 10 days since is on but worked only 6 cause i had a problem machine now we came back with a better server machine and less bugs also we still developing, upgradeing and fixing stuffs


SunBeam next time that i see you spam on topics with flames you got -1.


If u change dat pic maybe il change my mind doing this

About flamming, did u even readed other topics with nemancati? ,if not ,ure so mega pointless and stop acting like gm of mxc lol


2-3 ppl online, i saw member from GM-team jail a person becouse just shout he used bot, wtb jail etc. , gl from me :)

we do what ppl asks for, he asked for jail we jail him

If u change dat pic maybe il change my mind doing this

About flamming, did u even readed other topics with nemancati? ,if not ,ure so mega pointless and stop acting like gm of mxc lol

Keeping ignoreing haters whos gonna keep hateing

do a better one if u can or half if this one and allow players to shout that theyr boting on urs ^^ and ty for keep feeding ur pathetic imagination


Dude ur server is not bad but:

1. You are a ugly gm, noones like you ,just look at the way you act, you make everyone hates u and u GO UMAD for every opinion of others

2. You lie, you lie a lot, you lie about 60-70 online but i saw 5 online max not even 5... (this is happening when u dont rly give a shi.t and dont advertise good enough)

3. I doubt you made this server for fun, you cared about what you going to have in pocket tomorrow mostly LOL!


Dude ur server is not bad but:

1. You are a ugly gm, noones like you ,just look at the way you act, you make everyone hates u and u GO UMAD for every opinion of others

2. You lie, you lie a lot, you lie about 60-70 online but i saw 5 online max not even 5... (this is happening when u dont rly give a shi.t and dont advertise good enough)

3. I doubt you made this server for fun, you cared about what you going to have in pocket tomorrow mostly LOL!

  get in the line with all ppl who i really dont care what they talk :)

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