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[L2J] L2Dex


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gtfo with your retarded pl servers 90% retarded pl community and first 10 clans are fuking zergs with 80 ppl + (actually 30 online max ) with 0 skill cant play a sh1t playing 2 weeks cant get a moirai set or sh1t and no castle too and stuff and sh1t and etc and go away and go sleep and fuck u too

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what is your problem with community? server dont have 2 weeks and where is your moirai set if u are so pro ? This is not RPG x3. 4 clans have only 80+ppl ofc remember - ppl in academy. Server have good online, good dotation and dont die suddenly after month.

server have 4-5 side and everyone fight with others! This give us many pvp! 3 spanis clans, 4 international and 1 CZ/SK give you enough options to find "home"

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