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ama den 3ereis ta commands lol :)


This is a GM Commands list for Newbies :)


GM Commands


These are the available GM commands in game.

//admin Brings up the admin menu.

//gmchat Sends a global message that only GMs can see. Usage: //gmchat Type message here

//gm Turns on or off your GM status.

//invul Makes you invulnerable.

//delete Used to remove a targetted Mob. Mob will not respawn.

//kill Used to kill a targetted Mob. Mob will respawn.

//invis to hide your character

//invisible to hide your character

Character will still show to the player who uses the command, however an "Invisible" Title indicates you are invisible.

//vis to unhide your character

//visible to unhide your character

//earthquake <Intensity> <Duration> Creates an earthquake

//para_all Paralyzes all players}}

//unpara_all Unparalyze all players

//para Paralyze Target

//unpara Unparalyze Target

//bighead Gives target a big head

//shrinkhead Returns targets head to normal size

//test These //test commands are for the universe mapping feature (developmental)

//test uni flush

//test hash <number>

//test uni


//mammon_find Lists the current location (if any) of the Mammon NPCs

//mammon_respawn Lists the current respawn times (if any) of the Mammon NPCs

//list_spawns <npcId> Lists all the spawns for the specified NPC ID. If teleIndex is specified, player targets to the location of that spawn.

//list_spawns <npcId> <teleIndex> Teleports to the player based on the given spawn index (from using //list_spawns <npcId>).

//gmliston (To add Gm from gmlist)

//gmlistoff (To remove GM from gmlist)

//silence (To enable/disable private message mode)

//diet Current status of diet mode for player.

//diet on Enables diet mode.

//diet off Disables diet mode.

//tradeoff Current status of trading for player.

//tradeoff on Enables trading with other players.

//tradeoff off Disables trading with other players.

/block <name>

/unblock <name>




//spawn mob_name|mob_id [quantity] [respawn_time_secs] //spawn kaboo_orc

//heal heals yourself

//heal (with a character selected) - heals selected character

//heal <radius> - heals all characters within <radius>

//heal <name> - heals character with the name <name>. Does not have to be targeted.

//give_all_skills it will give your target all the skills he can learn at his level with his class


//openall opens all doors

//closeall closes all doors

//unspawnall remove all npcs from world

//respawnall reload npc data

//reload skill Reloads skill data.

//reload multisell Reloads multisell data.

//atmosphere <signsky> <dawn|dusk> Sets current sky to either Dawn or Dusk, as seen by members of the winning cabal.

//atmosphere <sky> <day|night> Sets current sky to either day or night.

//cache_htm_rebuild Rebuilds and reloads the HTML cache.

//cache_htm_reload Reloads the HTML cache.

//cache_crest_rebuild Rebuilds the cache of pledge crests.

//cache_crest_fix Fixes problems with incorrect displaying of pledge crests.

//target Used to target a Mob or player. Usage: //target kadar

//buy Opens the GMShop.

//gmshop Opens the GMShop.

//announce_menu Opens the announce menu.

//list_announcements Lists the current announcements.

//reload_announcements Reloads the announcement list.

//announce_announcements Posts all announcements in list.

//add_announcement Adds an announcement. Usage: //add_announcement Your announcement here

//del_announcement Deletes an announcement. Usage: //del_announcement Your announcement here

//announce Posts an announcement. Usage: //announce Your announcement here

//itemcreate Opens the item creation menu.

//create_item Creates an item. Usage: //create_item item_id

//server_shutdown Starts the shutdown process. Usage: //server_shutdown Number of seconds

//server_restart Starts the restart process. Usage: //server_restart Number of seconds

//server_abort Stops the server shutdown.

//show_spawns Opens spawn menu.

//spawn Spawns a Mob on current target. Usage: //spawn npc_id

//spawn_monster Spawns a Mob on current target. Usage: //spawn_monster npc_id

//spawn_index Shows menu for monsters with respective level. Usage: //spawn_index level

//show_skills Lists targetted players skills.

//remove_skills Removes the targetted players skills.

//skill_list Opens skill menu.

//skill_index Opens skill menu according to players stats.

//add_skill Adds a skill to a targetted player. Usage: //add_skill Skill_id level

//remove_skill Removes a skill from a targetted player. Usage: //remove_skill Skill_id

//get_skills Temporarily gives you the skills of a targetted player.

//reset_skills Restores your skills from before the get_skills command.

//add_exp_sp_to_character Opens the xp sp menu of the targetted player.

//add_exp_sp Adds xp sp to targetted player. Usage: //add_exp_sp xp_number sp_number

//edit_character Opens menu to edit targetted player.

//current_player Opens character list.

//character_list Opens list of online players.

//show_characters Opens list of online players.

//find_character Opens the find player menu.

//save_modifications Saves the edits done to the targetted player.

//show_moves Opens the teleport menu.

//show_moves_other Opens the teleport menu named other.

//show_teleport Opens the teleport menu.

//teleport_to_character Teleports you to the named player. Usage: //teleport_to_character kadar

//teleportto Teleports you to the named player. Usage: //teleport_to_character kadar

//move_to Teleports you to coordinates given. Usage: //move_to 11111 22222 3333

//teleport_character Teleports targetted player to coordinates given. Usage: //move_to 11111 22222r 3333

//recall Summons a named player to you. Usage: //recall kadar

//restore Restores a broken player info.

//repair Repairs a broken player info.

//changelvl Changes a targetted players access level. Usage: //changelvl Access_level_number

//ban Used to kick and ban a named players account. Usage: //ban kadar

//unban Used to unban a named players account. Usage: //unban kadar

//kick Used to disconnect named player. Usage: //kick kadar

//ride_wyvern Command used to summon and ride a wyvern.

//unride_wyvern Command to dismount and unsummon a wyvern.

//mons Used to start the Monster Races.

//edit_npc Used to edit a NPCs stats. Usage: //edit_npc npc_id

//save_npc Saves the editted NPC info.

//recall_npc Teleports targetted NPC to you.

//show_droplist Shows the named NPCs drop list. Usage: //show_droplist npc_id

//edit_drop Edits the named NPCs droplist. Usage: //edit_drop npc_id item_id [min max sweep chance]

//add_drop Adds a drop to the named NPCs droplist. Usage: //add_drop npc_id item_id [min max sweep chance]

//del_drop Deletes a drop to the named NPCs droplist. Usage: //del_drop npc_id item_id

//showShop Shows a targetted vendors shoplist.

//showShopList Shows a targetted vendors shoplist.

//addShopItem Adds an item to a vendors shop. Usage: //addShopItem Shop_ID item_id Price

//delShopItem Deletes an item from a vendors shoplist. Usage: //delShopItem Shop_ID item_id

//editShopItem Edits an item in a vendors shoplist. Usage: //editShopItem Shop_ID item_id Price







See SIEGES For the following siege commands:











//sgspawn <npc_id> <group>

//siege Castle names: gludio, giran, dion, oren

//box_access with box targetted, shows access list

//box_access char1 char2 to add players to box Usage: //box_access kadar LadyPain?

//box_access no char1 removes player from box access Usage: //box_access LadyPain no kadar





//nokarma removes karma from target player

//setkarma value sets karma of target player to value

//setew value sets enchantment of target player currently equipped weapon to value Usage: //setew 9999

//banchat mutes a player Usage: //banchat kadar

//unbanchat unmutes a player Usage: //unbanchat kadar

//polymorph character npc id

//polymorph item id to poly target into id|

//polyself <npc id> Used to polymorph yourself into a mob

//unpolyself Returns you to the normal state

//polymorph item <itemid> Polymorphs an item

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twistaki ean exeis l2joneo logika 8a peirakses tpt apo l2joneocustom.prop


auta mhn ta peirakseis


# Option to store additional spawnlist data on a custom table

CustomSpawnlistTable = false


# Option to save GM spawn only in the custom table

SaveGmSpawnOnCustom = false


eidalws ksanabale tin db i allakse pack ...



@ sa:mp coder kamoia sxesh to post sou useless einai blepe ti postareis!

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    • @Vedi don't give up bro. We are waiting for this project to come back stronger.  
    • Welcome to L2EpicFail Server developed by gamers for gamers!  OBT - 7th March 2024 at 18:00 GMT+0 GRAND OPENING - 14th March 2025 at 18:00 GMT+0 Website : https://l2epic.fail/ Discord : https://discord.gg/6hwhrkrHBG     Server Features and Rates Xp – 15x Sp – 9x Adena – 6x Drop – 2x Spoil - 2x Seal Stones drop -  3x   Epic Raid Boss drop - 1x Regular RBs - EXP 5x, SP 5x, drop 4x   Quest drop - 1x (some quests customized to 3x) Quest reward - 1x, Adena 3x, EXP 3x, SP 3x     Premium Account Xp +20% Sp +20% Adena +20% Drop +20% Spoil +20% Quest reward +20%   get by vote or donate World chat 20 times/day use ">" in chat. Buff Book outside of town. Applies to all accounts.     Special Features Classic interface ActiveAnticheat Vote System Missions Attendance check And more in information below     Noblesse There are 3 ways how to make noblesse 1 - Retail Quest with killing barakiel 2 - Modifed Quest, choose killing mobs for 100 items instead of barakiel 3 - Can be bought for Epic Coins     Raid Rank Killing regular Raids gives points according to the level of the RB to the clan of the player who killed the boss. At the end of every month, there will be rewards for top clans. For more info, follow our Discord.   monthly period killing RB = points to clan according to RB level rewards up to Valakas Necklace (not the first month) current statistics can be checked online     Epic Bosses & Respawns   Queen Ant 20 - 30 hours respawn window 1 hour always displayed in .epic auto PvP zone (max 43 level) HP boosted drop chance 40% guards, nurses lvl 40   Orfen 20 - 30 hours respawn window 1 hour always displayed in .epic auto PvP zone (max 56 level) HP boosted drop chance 40% earring gives +1 WIT, +1 INT   Core 20 - 30 hours respawn window 1 hour always displayed in .epic auto PvP zone (max 56 level) HP boosted drop chance 40% ring gives +1 STR, +1 DEX   Zaken 44 - 54 hours respawn window 1 hour always displayed in .epic auto PvP zone (max A grade) doors opened only 5 mins HP boosted   Baium Every Sunday 20:30 - 21:30 window 1 hour always displayed in .epic auto PvP zone (13 - 14th ToI level) regular HP   Frintezza Every Monday, Wednesday, Friday 20:00 - 21:00 window 1 hour always displayed in .epic auto PvP zone (all IT entrance) max 5 parties to entry max 500 range from NPC   Antharas Every two weeks on Saturday 21:00 - 22:00 window 1 hour always displayed in .epic auto PvP zone (bridge to heart)   Valakas Every two weeks on Saturday 21:00 - 22:00 window 1 hour always displayed in .epic auto PvP zone (Klein to heart)   every Epic RB drops Epic Medals equal to RB level x 10     Regular Bosses all regular RBs HP boosted M. def boosted a bit to give advantage to fighters all regular RBs respawn 24 - 30 hours every RB drops Epic Medals equal to RB level     Added Skills Mass Sweep - All Bounty Hunters 40+ Block Buff - All Characters, toggle Escape: 20 seconds - All Characters, no more SoEs   Skills autolearn. Losing skills after 16 levels of delevel. Max buffs 24 + 4 with books (no autolearn)     Augments NoGrade - 4% chance MidGrade - 5% chance HighGrade - 7% chance TopGrade - 6% chance   GM shop weapon/armor/jwl (max C grade) shots/spiritshots (max C grade) mana potions (500 MP, 5s)     NPC buffer all buffs, songs, dances including 3rd prof + resists 1 hour duration all chars Buff Book in inventory     Global Gatekeeper all towns including cata/necro ToI 3/5/7/10th     Olympiad Thursday to Saturday 18:00 - 23:50 UTC+0 period 7 days no class participants min 5 base class participants min 10 max enchant +6     Class Transfer 1st class 50k adena 2nd class 500k adena 3rd class 20kk adena + 700 Halisha marks (tradeable)     Noblesse Quest Quest retail like. Moonstone Shards, Demons Blood etc. quest drop boosted     Subclass Quest To get the quest, you have to be 75+ on your main character (start Reorin in Giran) Bring item from Cabrio chest Bring items from Hallate, Kernon and Golkonda chests Bring this back to Reorin Bring 984 B-grade crystals and top B weapon to Reorin Get low A-grade weapon as reward Done , you can take subclass (up to 5) from any Master in town     Clans all clan members get clan skills (no need for titles) max clan slots 65, max ppl in PvP zone 63 leave/dismiss penalty 0 hours max clans in ally 3     Others   max 3 windows per HWID (only one in PvP zone) protection after teleport for 20 seconds arrows and spellbooks drop turned off weight limit 10x, stackable enchants and LS champions blue (5x HP) min level for trade = 40, chat = 20 BoM/MoM spawned in towns Edited November 1, 2024 by NevesOma
    • Im searching to developer to help me 🙂 pm me 🙂
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