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interlude Elix-GamerS.Net New Fresh Pvp server started! 250+ [WIPED]


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You just posted most failed clan in server ... Please dude save us! :D

ahh sure ? ohoh i remember much most failed members try join this clan i dont want say nicks.. Haters gonna hate all know this clan please dont cry if u are dead...

Another Classic SmackDown Boy...0 info about lineage2 better watch Smackdown dude.. And Stop answer your ideas about clans.

And Remember this clan better than other Fail Clans beucase this clan only invite players with application and full 18 +ages.. You cant join this clan because your age 16-17 max eheuhuehu

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hahaha ingame it say if your clan is good or not ... When you post that ur 'randoms' pwn boobies means they are just randoms ... ;(

What i said is proved many times ingame.If we are randoms...i don't know about other clans.
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ahh sure ? ohoh i remember much most failed members try join this clan i dont want say nicks.. Haters gonna hate all know this clan please dont cry if u are dead...

Another Classic SmackDown Boy...0 info about lineage2 better watch Smackdown dude.. And Stop answer your ideas about clans.

And Remember this clan better than other Fail Clans beucase this clan only invite players with application and full 18 +ages.. You cant join this clan because your age 16-17 max eheuhuehu


eheuheuhueh Better to watch smackdown that random noobs :D Also yea Im 5 years old !

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