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Greek: Geia pedia an kai eimai kairo member sto forum kai mias kai eixa na to xrisimopiisw kairo gia prosopkous logous pote dn egrapsa kati edw...loipon tha sas sistitho kai egw eimai  o basilis kai eimai apo tin thessaloniki eimai 15 xronon kai pistevo to forum sas na einai polu xrisimo loipon afta apo mena ta leme mesa...!!!!


English : Hello guys im a member here from a long time ago and i havent used it for a long time cuz of some personal problems.I've never written something in this section . Well im bill and im from thessaloniki(Greece) im 15 years old and i think that your forum is very usefull well i dont have anything else to say i will see u arround in forum..!! <Sorry if my english are not good>

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