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Lineage ][ RetryvaL New Server PVP UNIQUE Grand Opening Today!

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In some days changed in .com



# Server Rates


# XP Rate: 3000x

# SP Rate: 1000x

# Adena Rate: 1000x

# Spoil Rate: 2x

# Safe Enchant : +7

# Weapon Max Enchant : +25

# Armor Max Enchant : +25

# Jewels Max Enchant : +25

# Normal Scroll : 55% 7-25

# Blesessed Scroll : 95% 7-24 50% 24-25

# Crystal Scroll : 7-15 85% 15-18 60% 18-22 40% 22-25 15%

# Items


#50 Beleth's Silver = 1 Beleth's Gold

#5 Pure silver = 1 Event Medal

#1 Pure Silver = 10 True&Gold

#5 Event Medal = 1 Event Glittering Medal

#7 Abbysal Coin = Star Diamont

#Star Of Destiny = Only Raid-Boss


# PvP Bonus Skills


# 500 - Adena to True Gold

# 1000 - Firework (Recovers 500 CP)

# 1500 - Large Fiework

# 3000 - Blessed Body

# 3500 - Fake Death

# 4000 - Focus

# 5000 - Decrease Weight

# 7000 - Death Whisper

# 9500 - Might/Empower

# 11000 - Medusa

# 13000 - Dash

# 14000 - Resurrection

# 15000 - Wind Walk

# 18000 - Pvp Return

# 20000 - Pvp Chant of Victory


#Costom Npc's


#Luxury Gattekeper

#Luxury Costom-Shop

#Luxury Buffer




#Luxury Gm-Shop

#Hex Trader(Change Items in Glits)



#Costom Items










All Accesory Give Bonus Status


Costom Stattus

Nightmare High Tatto


I'm not joking with you time :) i'm seriously human and i know how is farm:)




ugly random customs super uber unbalanced+

PvP Bonus Skills:

# 500 - Adena to True Gold

# 1000 - Firework (Recovers 500 CP)

# 1500 - Large Fiework

# 3000 - Blessed Body

# 3500 - Fake Death

# 4000 - Focus

# 5000 - Decrease Weight

# 7000 - Death Whisper

# 9500 - Might/Empower

# 11000 - Medusa

# 13000 - Dash

# 14000 - Resurrection

# 15000 - Wind Walk

# 18000 - Pvp Return

# 20000 - Pvp Chant of Victory

These customs are uber lol for interlude random homemade since the server will die at start, noone will make even 500 ,so this features are just LOL! SRSLY!


Gl with the server i see there are 2 Online players.


But pls Change this pvp

do it





1000 etc


Dude what you think? Your server will dont get more than 200 people ( if it stay alive )

Who will make 15k pvp? NO ONE


also Why so dificulty on farm? What you think your server is?

Something Big?

No its something Small .

Lineage II game is for people to Have Fun and not stay Online with Bot

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