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Who the hell is koza which say +1,and why you are spaming our topic!


its you...koza server



Dymatize=Saruman?ooo who is he?? its me?? ooo yeah dat proO...hmm


Look mby  KonorV and saruman are your haters  and mby fans ,but  poor boy dont try to make your self belive that you have fans.

You are a looser even your clan members that you had telling me they dont like to play with you cuz in every server you made you cheat like hell,and not only your self but all your clan.

About konorV he shouldn't  even talk about koza when he is 100 times worst, making 10 gms on his server and 10 of them  making all their friends edit.

You dont got balls to play fair one time in your life, this making both of you loosers and not  smthing special.


you think he is cheater or smth like that?he has just a stresser site to ddos the fail servers,nothing else,now about his clan member,2-3 of them are my friends,the others are just random invited,like Crank-ChopSuey and 2-3 more but i dont give a shit about him,i dont care.


PS: or u think his market place over there on mxc is true? gl


guys i know you want to play l l2.. but not this server... it  will be corrupted as always boost hp boost everything u can imagine

peace  ;)

Interlude client going to die,if it's koza's server i dont care ,if he give items you can leave.we want play really bored ! i think we forget mass pvps really bored.All interlude servers opening without ddos protection and corrupted. i hope this server have good protection we will see.


SiD what you think if it was realy mine ,i was chating here on This topic ?

But they are stupid and i love that guys  8)


Well until now the only server pvp that you played and you spam on mxc is only yours..

Why this time should be different give me a reason?


Well until now the only server pvp that you played and you spam on mxc is only yours..

Why this time should be different give me a reason?

axaxax this time is my server ok oka bb qq gg cya

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