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Lineage II






#                                          Basic Rates                                                                            |

#                                                ********                                                                                |

#                                      Lineage 2 InfernalPain                                                              |


Exp: 1000

Sp: 1000

Adena: 2000

Party Exp: 2

Party SP: 2

Karma Drop 50%

Karma Equipment 40%


Safe Enchant Full +4

Max Enchant Full +15

Normall Scroll 66%

Blessed Scrolls 90%

Crystall Scrolls 100%

Mid Grade Life Stone: 7%

High Grade LifeStone: 10%

Top Grade LifeStone: 20%



#                                    Custom Features                                                                          |

#                                                ********                                                                                  |

#                                      Lineage 2 InfernalPain                                                                |



}>Nobless System <{

Unique Nobless System,You have to take your party

and kill the Custom RB aka Barakiel.

When Barakiel Die,There Will be Drop 5-10 Nobless Item.


}>Unique Clan System<{

There are 2 Clan Raid Boss

They drop 1-2 Clan Rep Item

And you have 10% From raid Boss,to Lvl Up your Clan.



}>Custom Balance Class<{

Balance and Skills Reworked from 0.

There is a system which count your Stats

and Depent The dmg from all class.


}>Unique Buff System<{

The slot of Max Buffs are 28

But If you take The Custom Books,With ''Vote'' Items

You Can increase your Buff Slots to 32.


}>Custom Olympiad System<{

Unique Olympiad System

You have to wait 120 Seconts Before olympiad grab you

And you have also 100 Seconts to make your Buffs,Before The fight.

After The Match There will be Show an unique Panel your Points.

Olympiad Circlet 2 Weeks,Olympiad Time 20:00-2:00.

After 4 Days if your points are under 4,you will take 4 Points.


}>Unique Siege System<{

There on Sieges LifeCrystals Will be have x2 Stats (HP)

After Die Respawn Time:

For The Owner's Of Castle The Respawn Time Will be:

For First Die: 30 Seconts

For secont Die: 60 Seconts

For Threed Die: 120

For Fourty Die: 150

And Increasing By 30/60 Seconts.

The Attackers Will Have 30 Seconts Respawn In the Town

And 70 Seconts In The Flag.

Sieges Circlet 2 weeks.


}>Champion System<{

There Will be a lot of Champions Mobs

The Champions Mobs have 60% To Drop High Grade Ls

And 30% to Drop Top Grade LifeStone

Also Double Farm Items.


}>Fortress Activated<{

All Fotress Working Retail Like

And There The Winner of Fotress takes reward.

Also There,If is only 1 participated

The Fotress Will not Start.


}>Anti Heavy System<{

If you Dont Have The Abillity

In your Passives to Wear Heavy you Cant Wear it.


}>Vote Reward System<{

There is A Good Vote Reward System

You Dont have to Vote to take The Best items

You Should Vote for Some Misc Items In Game.

And For our Server to Rise every Day.



#                                    Custom Events                                                                              |

#                                                ********                                                                                  |

#                                      Lineage 2 InfernalPain                                                                |



}>Custom Events<{

DeathMatch|Team Vs Team|Zombie|Russian Rullet|

Capture The Flag|LastManStanding|Lucky Chest|Clan Event|




There is a Closed Zone with 2 Locations

And in the middle of zone is a Monument,and you Should Stay Near

Of Monument to Collect your Points



There is a closed Zone with 3 Teams Blue,red,green

The team with the most kills Wins.

After Some Minutes There will be announce The Winner Team.



In 1 Close Zone,Some ppl are Zombie,you Should Kill the Most Of Zombie's,

To Win The Event,When 1 zombie Die,After 10 Seconts He transformate to A Normal Player.



}>Russian Rullet<{

The Russian Rullet is 1 Perfect Game Event

There all Players are near 1 NPC

The ''NPC'' Drop a dice and Count The Number of Player

The Player Who will Be last he Will Won The Event.


}>Capture The Flag<{

There is 1 Big Zone(Closed Zone)

And There is 1 Based Localation With 2 Flags

So you Should go in your ''Enemys'' and take their Flag

When you Take the Flag you Should Go back In your Base Respawn

To Leave their Flag.


}>Last Man Standing<{

There is 1 Closed Zone,Which all Players

Respawned in 1 Location,and They Fight each Other

To Won The event,The Last Guy which Will Stay Alive

He Will won The Event.


}>Lucky Chest<{

Lucky Chest is a Funny Event with a good Competition

There will be around 20-30 Chests,You SHould Find The ''Lucky Chest''

Some Chests are a ''TRAP'' When you Open a ''Trap'' Chest,you are Die

And after die you Should go Fast And Collect The Most Of Chests

To Win The Event.


}>Clan Event<{

Clan Event Created By us.

Here We Want a Seriously Look.

The Clan Event its a Big Event.

Clan Event Exacly is a ''Tournouament''

In The End Of week,In Sunday and saturday

There Will be 5 Fights. Clan Vs Clan

And in The End Of Month There Will Be Announce The Clan That Won.


>>>>There WIll be a *Live Streaming* On TV,MadTv,TVShow,And A Lot of Internet Live Shows<<<<<

                    (This Features Will be Activated After 3 Weeks)

          (We Will Spend A Lot Of Moneys To Make Something Different and Big)

                  (The Registration Day's Will Be announced in our Forum)



#                                    Retail Features                                                                                |

#                                                ********                                                                                  |

#                                      Lineage 2 InfernalPain                                                                |



Interlude Client(C6)

Full Interlude Working Skills(Reworked from 0,We can Easy say we have around 85% Balance Skills)

All Raid Bosses-Grand raid Bosses(5 Hours Respawn Time)

Castle Sieges

Max subclasses 3

No Lag

We Hope To A Good Community

Good Uptime

Dual Box Allowed x3

Active Server staff

Useless Account will be deleted after 3 months


Weapon Augmention

Custom Start Up Zone

Max LvL 80

Max Buff slots 32

Mana potions

Only 1 Augment Allowed(Retail)

Farm zones

Newbie Zones

Solo Farm Zones

Auto nobless



#                                    Server Protections                                                                          |

#                                                ********                                                                                  |

#                                      Lineage 2 InfernalPain                                                                |



DDos Protections From A Big Company

CloudFlare in Our Main WebSite

L2Aeo GameGuard Protection In game


#                                    Server Machine                                                                              |

#                                                ********                                                                                  |

#                                      Lineage 2 InfernalPain                                                                |




Dedicated - 24/7                

Intel® Xeon® E3-1270 (4x3.4Ghz)

32GB DDR3 RAM Memory              

HD 300GB SAS-SCSI 15K RPM        

Uplink 1Gbps                        

Dailly Backups



Enjoy Your Stay!


Ofc we have.

for sure you will have to prove it in the first days since the features of this server will attract many players and haters will not be late ....




for sure you will have to prove it in the first days since the features of this server will attract many players and haters will not be late ....


Thanks for ur kind words , and we are prepared for players & haters! We will not dissapoint anyone!



for sure you will have to prove it in the first days since the features of this server will attract many players and haters will not be late ....


Also good features and good luck.

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