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classic [L2J] FallenAngels 50x UNIQUE !! start 21.9.2012 at 15:00 GMT+1

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[glow=green,2,300]NEW INTERLUDE SERVER



We are ready to give you nice gameplay. We had some problems with rival servers attacks, but all about this issues are OUT now. Actually we aquired registrations and quality programs for protection.

NEW INTERLUDE server, that starts 21.9.2012 at 15:00 GMT+1.


time can be changed..see forum for more info


Websites: www.l2-reins.info (in test)

Forum: http://l2-reins.phorum.cz

Skype: fallenangels.50x


[glow=red,2,300]Some NEWs has been implemented:[/glow]

- .menu command

- Cheaper nobless

- New Pet for riding

- CTF is moved to another location

- Hitman event

- Invitation event for reward

- Voting from websites give you reward in game

- You can see monsters droplist (by targeting them with holding shift)

- Sieges are Edited  (more actions in weak)

- more info on forum


For NEW clans we have prepared special reward in form of Reputation points !


Server keep the original gameplay and balance, but its focused on Raiding,PVP, CS, Olympiad....action

Server was tested for 3 month and its prepared for YOU!




Xp = 50x

Sp = 50x

PartyXp = 75x

PartySp = 75x

Adena = 75x

Drop = 25x

SealStones = 10x

Spoil = 40x

Manor = 10x

Rb drop = 30x

Grandboss drop = 25x (Rb jewels 1x)




Gm shop till B grade (A/S grade is craftable)

NPC Password Changer

NPC buffer

Scheme buffer

    - Bufftime 2 Hrs (pet buffs 5mins)

    - 24+4 Buffslots

Delevel NPC

Wedding manager

Weight limit Increased

Champions - with aura

Skill autolearn

    - Divine Inspiration have to be learned.

    - Spellbook drop is turned off - No more full invs of spellbooks

Anti-heavy system - Chars are not able to wear armors without propriete passive skills


Subclass - Free - without quest

Nobless - Caradine letter lvl 65 (with adena) - you have to kill the barakiel

  - or Caradine letter lvl 75 (for vote items)


Vote item system

I will get Vote reward item for vote.

Every Champion drops 1 medal - You can trade 15 medals for 1 Vote item



Zero hour - 3x reward

The clan reputation - 250 reps for the Tyrannosaurus claw



1+1 augments (1active + 1passive (or 1 chance))

No grade - 15 %

Mid      - 30 %

High    - 50 %

Top      - 75 %


Customs in the server

THERE IS NO CUSTOM ITEMS - all custom systems on server dont interrupt the classic gameplay - it only will increase PVP battles and smth like that.....


Custom Rb jewels crafting.

- You can drop Rb jewels recipe form propriete Dungeon Boss ( succes rate of these recipes are 10-15 % for high jewels (valakas, antharas, baium...) and 40-50% (AQ, core, orfen)






The customs are made just for improve easy access to farming locations, PVP and Clan actions.

You can find 3 edited zones (with edited mobs)

  1)  [glow=purple,2,300]Snake zone - Frobiden gateway[/glow]

            - A grade zone - you can drop the A-grade Recipes in here

            - Snake army drops A-grade accessory recipes

            - Snake army spoil A-grade armor recipes + A grade keys

            - Snake army is on 71 lvl

            - Drop and Spoil of recipes take as much time as it will take by farming in alternative locations

            - 1 Custom Raid boss - The Queen Snake

              - Stronger than normal RB

              - Drops A grade armor + jewels

              - Drops 1-2 RB jewels recipe*

              - Drops 6-12 Rb jewels keys*


  2)  [glow=red,2,300]Devils zone - Pagan[/glow]

            - S grade weapon + jews zone

            - You can drop S grade weapons recipe in here

            - You can drop Lifestones 76 in here

            - You can spoil S grade jewels recipe + S grade weapon/jews keys in here

            - Hard zone, mobs are not easy to kill

            - Drop and Spoil of recipes take as much time as it will take by farming in alternative locations

            - 1 Custom Raid boss - The Demon Leader

              - Stronger than Baium

              - You need "good" party to kill it

              - Drops S grade weapons + Jewels

              - Drops 1-2 RB jewels recipe*

              - Drops 6-12 Rb jewels keys*


  3)  [glow=red,2,300]Angels zone - MOS[/glow]

            - S grade armor zone

            - You can drop S grade armor recipe in here (not easy to drop)

            - You can drop Lifestones 76 in here

            - You can spoil S grade armor keys in here

            - Hard zone, mobs are not easy to kill

            - Drop and Spoil of recipes take as much time as it will take by farming in alternative locations

            - 1 Custom Raid boss - The Angelic Leader

              - Stronger than Baium

              - You need "good" party to kill it

              - Drops S grade armors + Jewels

              - Drops 1-2 RB jewels recipe*

              - Drops 6-12 Rb jewels keys*



All Raidbosses has retail stats - has been balanced to buffset of players. (no more killin Rb in 1 player)

All normal Raidbosses respawn - 12Hrs

All Custom bosses respawn - 6 Hrs - powerfull bosses (hard to kill)

Barakiel respawn - 5Hrs - boosted a bit (73level)


Grandbosses respawn Edited:

Core 20+1

Queen Ant 22+2

Orfen 26+2

Zaken 40+2

Baium 72+3

Frintezza 72+3

Valakas 96+3

Antharas 96+3




Automatic events:





+ Gm events - rullete, race, "kill the alien" and many others




.stat  - you will be able to see if enemy has abnormal stats, have dungeons (so no more "topics" about corruption) - THIS SERVER WONT BE CORRUPTED

.mailread - Mail system - you are able to read messages that someone send you while you was offline.

.mailsend - Mail system - you are able to send messages to someone who is offline.

.expon - you can turn ON your EXP and SP gain

.expoff - you can turn OFF your EXP and SP gain

.xpon - you can turn ON your EXP and SP gain

.xpoff - you can turn OFF your EXP and SP gain

.menu - you can turn ON / OFF some settings, aslo you will see all info


Special NOSTORE zones - noone is able to trade near GK


A little preview of new pet:





Updated Start day. (time can be changed.. we think about 15-18:00 GMT+1) Vote for time on forum :)


Anti Ddos tested and seems effective - autoban every attack.


Yes, srry i will add the prefix :)


Websites are now out of testting mode - We tested Antiddos in hard situations - so some of you got banned and didnt see the web - All bans are removed and Protections are set to be less agressive so you can see the web as normal.


antiDDos - tested working perfect

Guest Elfocrash

another shitloaded server with just shared features. Nothing special. Nothing unique. Good Luck.


another shitloaded server with just shared features. Nothing special. Nothing unique. Good Luck.


:D Elfocrash in action, nothing is good for him bcse he is GOD of everycode :) i heart a lot of about your EGO and every your topic make this "bulvar talking" true. ;)


Good luck


@Elfocrash i accept yours opinion


@Liquix thx for defending, but this topic is not about arguing


We just invite you players, Come and play with us if you want

Guest Elfocrash

:D Elfocrash in action, nothing is good for him bcse he is GOD of everycode :) i heart a lot of about your EGO and every your topic make this "bulvar talking" true. ;)


Good luck

I am not that bad at all. If a server deserves my aplaud then i will give one.


Btw your ddos proctetion doesn't work.


I won´t have an argue.


We just offer players friendly gameplay.


About antiddos - its in test phase we test levels of this protection from High agressive to Low agressive mode in last two days. We are testing it in help of some guys, so protection is not set to Relase all banned IPs in some time interval - Thats why u got banned just for some mins :)


All protections in Final mode will be set during day :)


If you are interested to be on of beta tester (even as ddos betatester Pm me)

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