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Need sone help with oog l2walker

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I was using an oog walker (The 10.9)on a server(hellbound) and I was  baned by a Dev

because ,He said i was sendind different packets to server.Is there any way to bypass this

and not get cought by Gm/Dev

plz i need some help

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I don't think think you can use OOG L2walker anymore then. Try using L2.net OOG I've been using it on hellbound l2j server for weeks. Forums can be found here.


NOTE: It's not like walker: "enable settings and go". You have to use scripts to level up. There is plnety of pre-made scripts over there. You can do things you couldn't normally do with l2walker.

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I read somewhere here that if you use cracked IG walker it doesn't send gameguard packets to the server. I'm not really sure about this. You should write to those forums to ask about it. Remember to search 1st.

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