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So how long till L2 dies?

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or they figured out that there is a new game called real life overthere..

Hehe with better graphics? :P


Anyway I doubt playing an MMORPG like L2 means no-lifing or even playing low rates means not having a life... So I correct you, they have found a game which is called real life, and are bored to compete with no-lifers :)


Well anyway the fact is that L2 will die soon or stay in hands of dumb no-lifers :)

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Anyway I doubt playing an MMORPG like L2 means no-lifing or even playing low rates means not having a life...

trust me,for some people l2 means life.
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I trust you because I have experienced myself such players oO What I meant was that not every player is a no-lifer ;)

yeah sure,but most players are < 15.


they don't know how to kill their free time,they dont know what hangout with friends means(and such) that's why they playing always l2.

and the irony is that they are playing servers with farm1mobenchantTomax and such crappy pvp servers instead of playing any low rate(not even retail) or mid.


that's pathetic :P

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yeah sure,but most players are < 15.


they don't know how to kill their free time,they dont know what hangout with friends means(and such) that's why they playing always l2.

and the irony is that they are playing servers with farm1mobenchantTomax and such crappy pvp servers instead of playing any low rate(not even retail) or mid.


that's pathetic :P

Have you ever observed a free pvp server?

I had opened one but I was forced to close it due to the stupidity of the players!


Imagine this:

A server EVERYTHING free except some misc things as, belts, cloaks, gc and Raid Boss Jewels (which later got to be free)

1 Vote reward (=5 votes) and you could buy either 1 belt or 1 cloak or 5 gc, and 5 Vote Rewards and you could buy a RB Jewel.


So what I had was 40-50 player on. Events as Master Yogi up. Automated enchant NPC up.

And guess what? 45 out of 50 players in town waiting to "farm" RB jewels and 5 players who were friends trying to find a small bug to complain on global chats, which ended 40 out of 10 player agreeing without even knowing what they are talking about!


There were no RBs no Farm zones no other towns in order to move players start pvping. All in all there was PvP area and Main Town. So tell me wtf is wrong with player? I bet 3 years ago there would be 60 out of 50 player pvping in such a server!


I opened that server to prove I was wrong with my theory but the results showed me I was right... I mean okay staying in a town chilling and talking with friends can or is fun but not all the time and then even complain about the bugs you haven't even seen!


Also a friend of mine had opened a server like 6 months ago which had farming like to get full set Elegia/Vorpal it meant you had to kill 5 Epic bosses, with 30%  to drop one part also you needed 2-3 parties to kill one epic boss... (That's the dream of every Veteran Player..) and guess what? They were farming adena and complaining they couldn't buy Elegia! That server was meant to be a half farm half pvp server... I made a char there got vesper +0 was trying to make pvp and they were just telling me pls stop i need to farm and they were with +16 vesper!! And they were still complaining about too much farm...


I am asking myself is there anyway I can create a server in which player won't be sitting in a damn town or just farming without ANY pvp?

I created a thread to make a server which gets the most votes... So let me see what the results will be lol...

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Lineage 2, a game which has seen it's best days, but the good memories bring old players to test this game again...

Most likely this game wont die in a while. Of course 99% of the servers are filled with BRs and that is a sign which means English speaking players are decreasing. Even I stopped playing a year ago, because there was no PvP servers with healthy English communities.

This game is based on world PvP, pve content doesn't require any skill or dedication... So How to get PvP interesting - meaning that server will be interesting..


Understand that server is like society, there wont be utopia's. Fully democratic server's will fall eventually since everyone only think about their own arse. Give every clan leader(or chosen member) right to post and reply on forums, other players must join clans to make difference (parties..). This will cause more organized forums, no trolling, less need for moderating. Also those who show that they are worthy, (x number of pvps) get access to forums (will be deleted if he lacks manners). Needs good anti-feed system. Everyone can read forums.


*I will use imaginary numbers, no need to use them as they appear here, just examples.

Anti-feed system: Only players who have over +4* items, will gain status, which allows them to gain and lose pvp points. You will lose a point if you lose a pvp fight.

Item enchanting: Stealing enchants from other players - by killing them. Raidbosses also drop enchants. Example - If I kill a player who has approximately +3 equipment and I Have +0 items I will gain randomly +1 to 1 equipment and the killed player gets -1 enchant to random item. If both players have +0 items, there will be no changes. Everyone has only the set which is given to them on the character creation. If you are not in a clan you will not gain enchants. You can't gain pvp points from clan/ally members.

Raidbosses - shown on map - respawn time -> pvp over the boss. Drops small number of enchants(tradeable).

------- > PvP is the way to progress on server, pvp ladders work without feeding.

That should solve the fact no one PvPs. Also the forum system needs an addition: Simply forbid insulting server properties in global, make sure everyone understands that you are supposed to use forums.


I almost want to write here: Ban BR IPs, but that would be a bit rasist. Tho it would solve the problem of not understanding the rules. :S


I've seen servers where enchants can be stolen from other players, pvp points decreasing, those should be programmable. I'm not a developer myself so I can't know if all this is doable.


More philosophy: I really wish someone would reply and give me an antithesis, it's only way I learn from my errors. This plan is theoretical and I just made it up, so I bet there are a lot of mistakes.

My point is that you can make a server which isn't similar to others by good developing.


And yes, I am a noob who only played mid/high rate pvp servers, because I have no desire to play this games pve content which sucks. (no arguments here because this isn't relevant).

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