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classic Lineage 2 - Gain, Action packed server made for you! Hybrid 'MidPvP'


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Base Rates

Experience: 50x

Skill Points: 50x

Adena: 25x

Drops: 1x

Spoil: x1 (Spoiling in our custom zones will give you massive materials)

Quests: ONLY important quests are boosted to x5 drop rate.


Enchant Rates

Normal Success: 66%

Blessed Success: 70%

Safe: +5

Max: +16


Buff Information:


Unique made NPC buffer, that can buff you and your pet, you can make SCHEMES or pick single buffs!

-Trigger buffs DON'T count as a buff slot.

-Normal Buffs Duration: 1 hour

-Dances & Songs Duration: 1 hour

-Maximum Buffs: 24(28 with Divine Inspiration)

-Maximum Dance & Songs: 12


Automated Events:


Event Engine Information

Our event engine was made by our own sweat and tears, this system was uniquely designed to fit the servers best interest, and I will explain to you how it works.

  • PvE & PvP Events? - YES! We want to give players a variety of events to satisfy both PvE and PvP lovers. The type of event rotates every hour, meaning the first hour = PvP event, the second hour = PvE event, and so fourth.
  • Multiple 'maps' for all Events: Playing on the same 'map' can get to be boring, we know this much. So we have added multiple 'maps' for every event, over 30 different 'maps'!
  • Event voting limitation: We don't want any event to go unplayed, because everyone likes different scenarios and we want everyone to enjoy their time. No event can be voted for back to back, for example if Control Point was the previous PvP event, then Control Point will be removed from the voting poll until the next PvP poll.
  • Rewarded for Winning & Losing - Everyone hates to have wasted time and effort, right? Well in our events losers are rewarded also, of course not as much as the winners but everyone gets rewarded for their participation.
    • How often are events? - Every real time HOUR, all players will be able to vote for the event they wish to play(only one vote per IP). The event in which receives the most votes will begin. If a tie occurs, there will be another vote process with the events that were tied.
    • AFK and dual box protection? - Of course, you can only register and vote from 1 IP. If you join an event to go AFK, you will be caught and punished. Either by our event engine or by our staff that monitors events very actively.

    [PvE Event] Player vs Machine - Players STARTING with no grade equipment(your own equipment is simply disarmed and non-equip-able until event ends), 9(9th being Boss) waves of Machines. Enemies strength increases each wave. You have only 3 chances to stay alive, once you have died the 4th time you will be sent out of the event(with a minimum reward).

    Note: Any kind of PvP is disabled during this event.

    Note: All 'equipment' obtained in this event is removed on event end.

    1st Wave - No-Grade equipment only

    2nd Wave - D-Grade equipment only

    3rd Wave - C-Grade equipment only

    4th Wave - B-Grade equipment only

    5th Wave - A-Grade equipment only

    6th Wave - S-Grade equipment only

    7th Wave - S80-Grade equipment only

    8th Wave - S84-Grade equipment only

    Boss Wave - Any grade available.


    -more detailed info to be released soon..


    [PvE Event] Chest Chance

    All participants spawn in an area with tons of treasure chests spawned around them. The objective is to open as many 'successful' chests as possible.

    Dud Chests - Duds are not something you want, there are different types of duds.

    Explosive Dud: Explodes in the face of the opener, killing them.

    Paralyzing Dud: Paralyzes the opener for up to 10 seconds.

    Teleporting Dud: Teleports the opener back a way from the chests. (Don't get confused, it doesn't teleport you to town, just a few feet back)

    Aggressive Dud: Spawns a very powerful monster that will have to be killed before ANYONE can open more chests.

    Note: Any kind of PvP is disabled during this event.


    [PvE Event] Raid Rush -

    Two teams are teleported to their own instanced area, with there own raidboss. The team which kills their Raidboss first wins.


    More PvE Events to be added before launch!


    [PvP Event] Vampires Vs Zombies -

    Complex event. Participants are teleported to the cemetary. The goal is to kill the opposing force (the vampires or the zombies) BUT you cannot kill them yourself you must gather a force of your own 'vampires' or 'zombies'!

    - The 'Vampire team' must search for bats spawned in the area to wake a vampire to join their force, you have 2 minutes before they disappear.

    - The 'Zombie team' must search for corpses spawned in the area to resurrect a zombie to join their force, you have 2 minutes before they disappear.

    - You may only have ONE vampire or zombie the entire event.

    - You must command your own vampire or zombie to kill your opponents.

    - You have only 1 skill and that is to aid(heal) your zombie or vampire, its very mana costly and mana potions are not useable in this event.

    - The event is over when either all zombies or all vampires have been killed, or time runs out in which the team with the most alive wins.


    [PvP Event] Wyvern War -

    Event consists of 3 rounds, so you have 3 chances to win. All participants are teleported to an area, you have 30 seconds to run and get distance from others until everyone is automatically -beep-ted to a Wyvern. The goal is to kill everyone and be the last standing, Wyverns are very powerful dragons, it only takes 1 hit to kill each other, so be cautious.


    [PvP Event] Korean Battle -

    Phase 1 - All participates are teleported to an area.

    Phase 2 - Players are automatically lined up paralyzed in order in which they will fight (randomized).

    Phase 3 - The first player of each team will be un-paralyzed to being the battle.

    Phase 4 - After your team mate dies, the next person in line will be un-paralyzed and able to battle.

    *Phase 4 repeats until ONE person of ONE team is remaining, and that team wins.


    [PvP Event] Control Point - Players much capture the control point by standing in the center of them. The speed at which a control point is captured depends on how many players from the same team are inside the control point. The event is over when the maximum score is reached, or time is up, in which the team with the most points will win.


    [PvP Event] Kamikaze - There are two teams, one team (the attackers) must push(you must be standing near it for it to proceed) their caravan with a bomb 'attached' to the enemy teams base and intentionally commit suicide to destroy their base to WIN. The second team (the defenders) must STOP the caravan from reaching their base before time runs out.


    [PvP Event] Blood Bath - All participants are teleported to an enclosed area, in which every player is for him or her self. The last man or woman standing wins, following the 2nd and 3rd person that died which receives a smaller reward.


    [PvP Event] Double Team - All participants are teleported to an area, in which groups of TWO players are formed automatically


    [PvP Event] Team Vs. Team - Classic event.. Two teams fight to the death, the team with the most kills wins.


    [PvP Event] Team Vs. Team Vs. Team - Three teams fight to the death, the team with the most kills wins.


    More PvP Events to be added before launch!


    How do I obtain equipment?:

    There are many ways in which you can gear up. As I said earlier, this server was meant to please everyone, so we made it possible to obtain equipment is multiple ways.


    PvP Token System -

    This is what Lineage 2 is all about, right? Everyone loves to PvP, why not be able to PvP and use your accomplishments to gain goodies?

    - For each PvP kill you do, you will recieve a PvP Token.

    - PvP Tokens can purchase all equipment, up to S84. Don't mistake this for being EASY.

    - Protection? Yes!

    • You do not gain PvP tokens from clan ally or party members.
    • You do not gain PvP tokens from events.(Event tokens are given)
    • You do not gain PvP tokens from dual box.
    • You do not gain PvP tokens from character from the same IP.
    • You do not gain PvP tokens from killing players 15 levels below your own.
    • You do not gain PvP tokens from killing the same person in X a-beep-t of time.



    Classical Crafting -

    Do you like to craft? It can be a rush, it can bring tears of happiness or joy, and why not be able to use such an awesome game feature? Of course we have made it much easier than retail.

    - You can buy all KEY-materials & recipes and also basic recipes from our shop.

    - You must spoil/farm for your own BASIC materials. (which have been added with massive a-beep-ts to our custom areas to not segregate players too much.)

    - ALL equipment up to S84 (Yes including Vorpal & Elegia and S84 weapons) can be crafted, we have added custom recipes for Vorpal & Elegia and S84 weapons.



    Simply Farming -

    Well, this topic is discussed over and over, about how people hate to farm, but the fact of the matter is without some kind of 'farming' your going to get bored eventually. Think of also how farming can promote PvP also.

    - We have custom currency, Bronze Tokens, Silver Tokens & Gold Tokens.

    - ALL equipment up to S84 can be purchased with this custom currency.

    - Bronze, Silver & Gold Tokens only drop in our custom areas.


    Raiding -

    Who doesn't like a good ol' raid party? Well if you don't, you might want to learn too because its worth it!

    - ALL(Excluding Epics) Raidbosses in the world have been customized to level 85, with increased stats, and with level 80 minions.

    - ALL Raidbosses have a chance to drop full equipment, and other goodies.


    Speaking of Epics, what about them?: All epic raid bosses are retail-like.






    This project is still under heavy development but we estimate a launch date around late September/ early October.


    Website: Lineage2Gain.com (Soon, web designer slow worker)

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