Zake Posted August 27, 2012 Posted August 27, 2012 Lineage II Bloody Blades Info Basic Rates [*]Exp rate = 35x [*]SP rate = 35x [*]Party xp rate = 1.5x [*]Party sp rate = 1.5x [*]Adena drop rate = 105x [*]Items drop rate=1x [*]Quest drop rate = 1x Enchant Rates [*]Enchant rate for weapons = 66% [*]Enchant rate for armors = 55% [*]Enchant rate for jewels = 55% [*]Safe enchant = 3 [*]Safe enchant full = 4 [*]Max enchant = 20 Other info [*]Perfect Geodata/Pathnodes [*]Balanced classes [*]Fully working Interlude skills [*]Global Gatekeeper [*]Custom Gatekeeper [*]GM Shop, Custom Shop [*]No NPC Buffer [*]Buff time = 2 hours [*]26 Buff Slots(+4 with divine inspiration) [*]Weekly Sieges [*]Retail like Olympiad [*]Active Staff [*]Main town is Goddard. Dedicate server info [*]8192 Mb DDR3 Ram [*]Intel Core i7 920 2.66Ghz [*]1 TB S-ATA2 [*]Unlimited Bandwidth [*]1gb/s uplink onboard Raid info Raid boss jewels can not be found in NPCs like GM/Custom Shop. You have to kill raids in order to get them. There is a raid boss manager which shows "Is alive" if the raid is alive and the respawn time, if the raid is dead. This npc is placed in giran and goddard too. Farm & PvP info There are 2 farm zones, which can be considered as pvp areas too, Four Sepulchers and Mithril Mines. [*]Four Sepulchers Here you can farm for s grade weapons, there is a 0.5% drop chance. [*]Mithril Mines Here you can farm for runes (blue, red and green seal stones), which can be exchanged for ancient adena in a custom shop called Galaducci. He is placed in Giran and Goddard (main town). Why do i need ancient adena? Ancient adenas can be used to buy lifestones, unseal a & s grade armors, and add a special ability to s grade weapons. In short, this is our "custom farm item". Website Forum Patch PS: Do not forget to register on or forum!
Luke Posted September 1, 2012 Posted September 1, 2012 Just currious is the server online or when will it be?
Luke Posted September 1, 2012 Posted September 1, 2012 Just currious is the server online or when will it be?
Luke Posted September 1, 2012 Posted September 1, 2012 Just currious is the server online or when will it be?
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