koukli75 Posted September 7, 2012 Posted September 7, 2012 i thought it would be a great opening but i was wrong... Quote
zaki555666 Posted September 7, 2012 Posted September 7, 2012 Calm the hell down, you really want them to start the server half-assed and fail becuase you're bored? How about waiting a bit more so they can actually fix things so it won't fail? Quote
manolescu5 Posted September 8, 2012 Posted September 8, 2012 yea alt b dont say the truth but still look here Quote
L2SilverJD Posted September 9, 2012 Author Posted September 9, 2012 Thank you all for your support !! We reached today @1000+ online and not joking !! We'll try to do better the next days after server will be accepted in Hopzone and people will start voting ! Quote
L2SilverJD Posted September 9, 2012 Author Posted September 9, 2012 JohnDoe Here. Server wasn't DDoSed or website, BUT we are using drupal which some of you may know consume lot of resources when you have MODS installed. Also we have hosting from hostgator and because of the high traffic of website in the first hour of server their CPU went to 80-90% and they asked me to increase the CACHE time. Also about the lag/delay that was ingame. Npc Buffer scheme it needs a connection to database for every BUFF you add to your scheme, and sicne there was high population of start of server it created some high peaks of CPU. Now, for future "stability" i'll start first implement NPC Buffer Scheme in CORE so it add the full scheme only on disconnect/relog/exit game and with only 1 query and i also asked some MYSQL Dev and they sad a good idea is to make the table that is used by buffer to be INNODB since we have lot of RAM. Quote
Quad Posted September 12, 2012 Posted September 12, 2012 Server is full of bugs i dont recomend joining. 1.Vitality lvl 3 is x10 more xp so everyone is 85 in 3-4 hours. 2.Gm lowered intentionally drop on atribute stones . 2 hours farm in giants cave upper with 2 stones drop.At drakos farmed in 4 hours 7 dark stones and 30 codex (probably soon for donate). 3.Mage fear is 100% even on cost . I got saggi with +13 wisdom on ressist and one sps feared me 5 times in a row with +8 fear on cost. 4.I got stun +15 never landed one in pvp tested in 20 times on a dagger with drac set and no stun at all. 5.All skill except fear and disarm are useless land rate is around 0% even if its overenchanted. 6.At start u get 2 coins witch u can get with them S grade set with lvl 4 atribute and full S grade jewel shadow.They are for 2 days so 4 days with set full resist when old players cant farm 1 god damn elemental stone. 7.Spoil and drop is fuked up very very low isnt x15 like they say at least at high lvl. 8.Fake online 9.Gm's corrupted . Play here and you will be very disapointed.Worst server i ever did played. PS : stop bump-ing this sh1t ur retarded as this server if u think it will not fail soon. Quote
GlobalKiller Posted September 12, 2012 Posted September 12, 2012 I told u that server will fail :DDD Quote
kavvadi Posted September 13, 2012 Posted September 13, 2012 1.3 k + online, suck that ;) fake online ftw !! Quote
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