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Hello mates, i am glad to announce there are new server up to World you are all free to Join us and play , have fun by: L2Roh Team


Information About Our Server


L2Rise of Hell Interlude Private pvp server


Server Rates

* XP : 2000x

* SP :2000x

* Adena : 2000x

* Drop : 1x

* Spoil : 1x

* Party : 2x



* Server Is PvP not Hard Farm

* No Custom Armors/Weapons

* Farm Locations (up to 2 farms)

* PvP Zone

* TvT Zone

* Vote Rewards for voting on HopZone/topzone.

* GMShop

* TvT Buffer

* Alot of custom NPC

* CTF/TvT/DM Event every 1hour

* Nick, title coloring from pvp/pk system

* Full Buffer

* Buff Duration: 3h

* Buff slot: 45 /deBuff slot :4

* Every GrandBoss has different resp time [Retail Like].

* GrandBoss NPC

* 4 GrandBoss drop (Top Ls and special coins)



* Normal Scroll: 76%

* Blessed Scroll: 100%

* Max enchant: +26 / Weapon

* Max enchant: +25 / Armor

* Safe enchant: +7


-== NPC Information ==-

Custom NPC.

*Full Gm SHop

*Global Gate Keeper

*Full Buffer

*Top Pvp/pk

*Custom Trader


*Weding Manager

*Clan Reputation Manager


Custom Comands









Other Informations

* Full Geodata and Pathnode

* Full Working Olympiad

* Anti dualbox on Olympiad

* Olympiad everyday 18.00 - 24:00 GMT+2

* Hero period is one week

* Armor restriction

* Full Working Skills

* Class Balance

* Full working Sige/Fortress


-== LifeStone Information==-

* High Grade LS Skill chance: 15%

* Top Grade LS Skill chance: 100%


-==Extra Features==-

*Killing Spee System

*Vote Reward SYstem

* Hero item 1 24h

* Disable Weight penalty

* DIsable Grade penalty

* Normal players can't heal Raid Bosses

* Change color of Clan Leader's name

* ProtectorPlayerPVP

* ProtectorPlayerPK

* Clan Reputation / From Custom NPC

* OfflineTradeEnable

* Enable wedding system

* Killing Spree System (When a Player Hits an A-beep-t of pvp's an announcement appears)

*Town event / Giran PvP Area with Special reward



Web Server :www.l2roh.net


Vote for us in hopzone , topzone thanx.!


In order to download patch u must register in forum ...not joining



the reason of this is for spamers dude.! to register on site is like 1 minut but eny way if you don't like that have nice day.! ;)


Good luck with that features. All c6 servers got the same. Anyway your site template sux.



So cute spaming on every thread to get posts :* btw you have never played interlude ;)


So cute spaming on every thread to get posts :* btw you have never played interlude ;)

i am not? ;o. Do you ever played?


Yy, you the experienced player!.

Surrender to water must be 100% in Freya client.


the reason of this is for spamers dude.! to register on site is like 1 minut but eny way if you don't like that have nice day.! ;)

If someone would make me register on forum just to download a damn patch so I can check out the server (which btw has features identical to another hundred of other servers), I would actually spam that forum 'til my fingers bleed.


And let me guess, the global chats are restricted to X pvp/pk and custom trader works with vote items?


If someone would make me register on forum just to download a damn patch so I can check out the server (which btw has features identical to another hundred of other servers), I would actually spam that forum 'til my fingers bleed.


And let me guess, the global chats are restricted to X pvp/pk and custom trader works with vote items?


what is our point of that dude? you login in server to chek ? or just you are like other spamers araund , server have information mybe is like those  hundred servers araund but what is our point? if you don't like just go to other server .! end of story

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