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[modded L2J] HighFive - L2Silver x20 ( Beta 29.08.2012 )

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1 Important thing I noticed on last months, since the vote reward systems of the servers are making the players, or forcing them to vote rewarding them with really important items in server, please be specially carefully with this, many ppl is having problems to get the IP recognized by hopzone, topzone, gamesites200 so if u will add a vote system make sure to offer not much important items in exchange of the votes, like examples i have seen in serveral servers, items like enchanting books, dynasty essense II and SoulCrystals... so the ppl who cannot get their votes taking in count will leave the server due of the difference between a player who can get the reward and the ppl who is not able to... Another thing if you are willing to give a hand to players to reach rare or important items, keep in mind the PC bang point system, maybe u can set a rate for it that allows ppl to get their Soulcrystal lvl 14 15 16 ... after a good time of playing, the main problem of this servers this days is that u reach vesper sets in 2 days, and then getting elegia or vorpal its something almost impossible, would be awesome to balance the farming for vorpal in LOA in the way that with 1 or 2 pt u can get decent vorpal drops, that way u are not stucking the server and u will be able to set donations for vesper items 1 or 2 months after u open the server... I worked with Divinity 1 so I kinda know what im talking about....


If server will be compiled and not a repack (nightly) ;)

If you want PC bang points or other custom source scripts you need to use ECLIPSE and compile your server.

I think this server will be a great one but he need more time in offline mode (for development and maintenance) few months ...


Please register accounts and make your presence noted around your forums\website ! Also clan leaders are nicely asked to announce their clans in our forum section called " Clan / Ally " so others may see their next competition ! :)


Thank you and keep spreading WORD !


DemiGods Spanish Speaking Members Clan, allready registered to this project.


Si son de habla hispana, pueden aplicar al clan en el Topic de Clan/Ally del foro del servidor http://www.l2silver.com/?q=node/155


Thank you, 3 big clans already announced before even BETA Opening ! That's great for us, and also for you.


If you have 100MB bandwith is NOT recommended to host more than 4-5 clans on your server :)

First you need to be sure if your server can handle more than 2 big clans or you can get 3 clans with 15 max members :P (without shops).


Anyway Good Luck! You will get a good L2 server like other closed servers after 5 days.


Intel® Core™ i7-3930K Hexacore

incl. Hyper-Threading Technology



Hard disks 2 x 3 TB SATA 6 Gb/s HDD @ 7200 rpm (Software-RAID 1)

Corsair Performance Pro Series 256GB SATA-III 2.5 inch

NIC 1 Gbit connected at 100 Mbit

Backup Space 100 GB

Traffic Unlimited


So obviously not, it's not an homemade\hosted\etc server and it can run smoothly with 2k+ and more !

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