Hello everyone,
Given that he has lots of different projects but no concrete opinions..
I pose my request here.
Which serious Lineage2 HighFive project is the best choice?
For a server that can be custom and which can be suitable for a classic x10 server and an x1000 server for example?
Or we ideally have the source, in order to be able to add the farming systems, weapons and armor, npc...
Free or paid, it doesn't matter.
den 3erw to problima apla ta source den exoun kanena error alla sto build m vgazei polla tetia..
[javac] C:\Users\vl4d\workspace\--\src\net\---\---\--.java:3: error: package com.l2jserver.gameserver.model.actor.instance does not exist
[javac] import com.l2jserver.gameserver.model.actor.instance.L2PcInstance;
ed:den einai akrivos source as poume einai kati san diko m code kai kanei connection me h5 source..
2 answers to this question
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