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Eleos twra exei ksekinisei alo systima 2gm tou warpath kanoun sinexeia chat ban xwris logo...

O server oso paei ginete kai pio pl fail...

Exthes ekane event kai itan invisible Hide and Seek event kai einai insivisble kai epemene kiolas... 1i fora ta blepw auta pfff...

Silipitiria ston war path 150atoma ON!! QQ kalo kleisimo


Ofc it sucks.If you don't like to play with mage this server is not for you.


Cmon bro its not only mages...

Gladi Huge dmgs with AOE skills omg 1st time see this

Tyrant Frenzy = dead with 1 skill i got 5k dmg with 3.2p.def

Warlord stun 100%

Also Titan have 2k p.def less p.def than mage.. SO FAILLL


About gladi i don't know.About tyrant i took 6k before and not only warlrod stun is 100%. Almost every stun is 80+%.


They are just so idiots... They tried to open the server 2 times but they will always fail...


Ofc it sucks.If you don't like to play with mage this server is not for you.


Mangal its pvp server for sure have a lot problems, just wait for katara's update.


Mangal its pvp server for sure have a lot problems, just wait for katara's update.


Yeah w8 for update..

And keep play in this server with gm's chatban for no reason 2hours + every time and insulting with personal message..

Player goes near to gm and says for fun "Hi newbie <3 :P" = "Player"Chatbanned for 2hours... Pathetic..

Player says some lyrics of song at HV in english = "Player"Chatbanned for 2hours....lol?

Before 2 days a gm made event Called "Hide And Seek" so he told i'm at giran PolyMorph like One npc,Find me and talk to me..

Players was searching like 1hour and he was spamming on ANNOUNCE all the time that they are blind and omg wtf are u doing u cant find me i cancel the event...So the reason that NOONE find him was THAT HE WAS INVISIBLE!!!

There is 2 gms that doing this all the time and they think they are gods cauze they have acces lvl omg...

The think is that they dont realize that players keep the server alive and they need them...

I know there is rulles but thoose Chatbans are stupid rly...

I hope enygma will do somethink for this...

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