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VoteBot.us - EVOLUTION of voting! - FREE gamesites200 voting account!

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VoteBot.us is the FIRST ever voting company that took voting process on a whole new level. It's not the first one to ever offer votes but before my appearance buying votes was a NIGHTMARE. Horrible prices with up to 80euro per 1000 and tons of scams.  VoteBot is running since 2009 and has serviced over 1000 satisfied clients (true story). 50 MILLION votes+ were delivered in the past 3 years.



Three years ago I've started with selling votes, 1 and a half year ago with votebot software (.exe) and today Im presenting a whole new evolution of voting process. Direct access to Votebot.us servers through simple web interface.


Website: http://votebot.us

members account features and descriptions: http://votebot.us/membership-account/

members account access panel: http://members.votebot.us (BETA!)



What's the difference?

You see, both Votes and Votebot software (.exe) have their downsides.

Votes need to be manually processed which results in delays and higher costs.

VoteBot.exe was evolution of that by offering software where each user can vote on their own whenever they want. Still, access was only possible from a single computer over remote desktop.


VoteBot member accounts surpass both of them in many ways and do not have any downsides that previous services had. There are no programs to install so no risk of viruses. All voting is done by VoteBot's central voting server. Access is possible from ANY device that has web browser. Computers, laptops, Smart pads (ipad, asuspad...), telephones, even mp3. Literally any device. Start votejobs in under 30 seconds. Stop them, Track them in real time and much more (really, shit tons more).


How does voting on members.votebot.us work?

#1 Register an account on http://members.votebot.us

#2 Provide OCR account with enough balance (de-captcher with 10$ minimum)

#3 Enter voting details: Voting link and server's website URL

#4 Select a-beep-t of threads and press START voting

There is no need to mess around with ANYTHING other than the 3 short steps I described above.


THERE ARE NO VOTE LIMITS imposed! The only limitations there are is a-beep-t of threads you can use to prevent abuse of votebot network. More threads = higher cost.


How do I get an account?

Registrations are currently closed until tasks on graphical user interface are completed and complete automation is established.

Official launch of the service is 1st of September 2012.


I do not want to wait. How can I get an account right away?

Manual processing is possible.

Visit http://votebot.us and contact support through one of the contact methods. Skype, msn or email.


skype: moore.flook

msn: moore@votebot.us

email: sales@votebot.us


My intention was to sell accounts for a died monthly fee, but since there are vote sellers popping up all over the place COPYING my service to the detail I've decided to just give it out for free and be done with it.

I do not like being -beep-ed with. Good luck selling when they are free.


Did I hear that right? Free? Where's the trick?

There isn't any. I am tired and fed up of defending my name and service against constant flood of people that have no integrity to develop their own ideas and constantly try to -beep- up my own.


Satellitevoter.com staff for example has been spying on my skype for 2 months just fishing for info and prices under pretence they are 'serious buyers'. They now offer "identical" service to mine with vote prices just a little cheaper than my own.


Another one, sauron@anthares.org is a BR reseller that I was working with until he scammed me for over 2000euros and close to 8000 euros from over 20 server admins. He's now selling votes under another name (lol!) and continues scamming just like before.


As the person that set out ground work in voting industry I refuse to accept that.


I am offering FREE gamesites200.com voting to any server that contacts me directly and requests free account. You will be asked to verify ownership of server you own after which you'll be granted FREE account with 5 threads limit.


To make an estimate. 5 threads can make 300 votes per hour, around 7000 votes PER DAY.

FOR FREE (provide your own captcha account though).


Let it be known once and for all, VOTEBOT.US is the numero uno company for all of your voting needs. Everyone else up to now is just a copycat. Perhaps one day there will be a real competitor that will not go copy-whore on me and copy my service to the detail.

I Moore Flook am the one that revolutionised voting process and It's my ideas and approach that everyone else is imitating today. I've spent THOUSANDS of hours thinking of the best sales approaches, techniques, methods and other functions to improve voting success, user interaction, features and other benefits of VoteBot and it simply pisses me off to be undervalued by someone else who doesn't have the slightest idea how difficult it is to sell votes.


Many people can write a program to vote. Much less people can write a good one and ONLY MYSELF can offer QUALITY service that I always offered.




Free votebot accounts for GS200 voting. No votes limit. Up to 7000 votes a day.

Read main post for details.


website: http://votebot.us

members: http://members.votebot.us

description: http://votebot.us/membership-account/



Note: I deserve full right of deciding who does and who doesn't receive FREE VB account and for what duration. Be respectful and be polite. Im doing something that has never be done before. Respect that.

Do not be a dick when talking to me cause you'll get blocked instantly. I'm a 24 year old enterpreneur busy with running 3 REGISTERED companies and craploads of hobby projects such as VoteBot. My time is valuable so keep that in mind.

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11 accounts has been given out so far, however many people request accounts without actually owning a server.


Please only request an account for free gamesites200 voting if you own an active server that is online and has players or is about to launch within a week and needs votes asap.


These accounts are for PERSONAL use only. Resale of votes/accounts is NOT allowed.

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11 accounts has been given out so far, however many people request accounts without actually owning a server.


Please only request an account for free gamesites200 voting if you own an active server that is online and has players or is about to launch within a week and needs votes asap.


These accounts are for PERSONAL use only. Resale of votes/accounts is NOT allowed.

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