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WTB farm ip / lvl boost for my smurf(Nobledino).


price is 10$ via paypal or psc(15 if you finish it @end of August)




raise your elo by 150(200+  if you finish it fast).




-if you get banned by any reason i ll deduct 40%% from your payment(tribunal mail as proof*) and will stop the farm boost instanly.

-if tribunal warns you i ll deduct 20% from your payment(tribunal mail as proof*)

-if you try to scam this account i ll ban you from this forum

-if you try to change its password or mail i have ALL the proofs to get it back from riot.(i have the 1st mail,date registration,payments and paypal connection etc)

-this account has 12.000 ip and all are for runes and pages.dont spend them recklessly.

-inform me what champion you want to play and i ll get him for you.


Pm me in forum or @skype.



PS:(tribunal mail as proof)-->new warning system allows the account owner to check his bad moves/games/dates/scores if his cases made it to the tribunal from his personal email.it also reveals the date and all the games where you were reported.so i will NEVER accuse you for something you haven't done. but ill charge you for what you ve done 8)


PS2: you will be playing under my name :D plz play good


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