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L2Serpentine [NO CUSTOM] 2012-08-18 !!!

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I would like to present this brand new project L2Serpentine. I will work alone with this project, so there would'nt be any unforseen mistakes and etc. I have many experience at developing l2j servers, so there would'nt be any fails.



# Exp - 500x

# Sp - 500x

# Adena - 1x

# Drop - 1x

# Spoil - 1x

# Raid boss drop - 1x


# Max enchant weapon: 16

# Max enchant armor: 10

# Safe enchant: 3

# Armor and Jewelry enchant rates  66%

# Weapon enchant rates  73%


Server features

# No Augmentations!

# No Custom Items! (except tattoo's)

# Custom farming zones!

# Not retail like clan system

# GM Shop

# All characters have Unstuck skill (lvl 1)

# Boosted runing speed of all characters

# Spawn protection

# Max buff limit - 24

# Class changer

# Full working skills

# Geodata

# Auto registration


# Olympiad hours [18:00-21:00 +2 GMT]

# Olympiad period ends every Sunday at 22:00 [+2 GMT]


# Craftable S Grade Weapons

S grade weapons can be obtained through craft. The recipes you need are dropped from mobs in Imperial Tomb, Mithril Mines and Elven Ruins. You will need a Warsmith/Maestro 3 rebirths with create lvl 8 in order to use the recipes.

Special Abilities on S grade weapons can be obtained at Mantra Manager.


# Unique nobless system

Once you have completed 3 rebirths you need to collect various items from the following raid bosses in order to become a Noblesse.


- Death Lord Hallate

- Kernon

- Longhorn Golkonda

- Shilen's Messenger Cabrio


Once you've collected all the items and your character is lvl 80, you can go to the Noblesse NPC ''Eddy Wally'' and become a Noblesse.


# Unique AIO NPC Buffer

There is a support buffer spawned in Aden and Giran towns

The buffs last for 1hour and are free of charge. Prophecy of Fire, Prophecy of Wind and Prophecy of Water lasts 20 minutes.

Caution: There are spawned many buffers in Towns, so every player should use their own buffer to avoid cross-purposes.


# Subclass

You can add your subclass when your character is level 75 or above and if 3 rebirths are done.

You can take only 1 subclass.


# Unique rebirth system

Once a player becomes 80 level, he can choose a rebirth at the Rebirth Manager in Aden/Giran towns.

A player who becomes reborn starts at 1 level again.

Although a player becomes 1 level again, he will still keep his items but the skills are lost.

A reborn player cannot equip high level gears, because he has lost his masteries (S, A, B, C, D).

As soon as you are 1 level you will receive a book or rebith. With this book you can learn 1 of the rebirth items at Rebirth Manager.

Each player can get a maximum of 3 rebirths.


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