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Been in L2 since 04, open beta.  Played on retail for years and multiple other servers.  Been here on Lineage Squared  since server beta in September as well and its an absolutely bad ass server.  Runs extremely smooth, lots of activity, pvp, and tons of features.  The stack class system is like nothing I have ever played before and I absolutely love it, hope to see more people!  You will level fast, even at 5x.


Just added a custom dungeon crawl. (Non-instanced... You can get your progress in the dungeon jacked by another party in PvP... They take your spot... You get kicked back to the beginning.)


A Neverwinter Nights feel... But without single-player.


well since you know me for a long time smoke ill just tell u my opinion as the guys above me suggested l2squared is pretty much awesome in every aspect.

They recreated the term stucksubs by making an awesome system with unlocks which u can actualy play mostly any 1+1 same race combo you like anytime you can just go back to town and swap to you'r other 1+1 combo and enjoy pvp/pve with diffrent classes each time its pretty funny and new.

The server is growing really fast in terms of community and many big clans from other stacksub servers are coming over the gm team is supportive as hell and they try to do anything in their power to improve the server.


So take it from me and you know we tryed infinite servers in the past this one is something new and exciting give it a shot it really deserves it !


We've been growing steadily since our Oct. 27 launch... But we need more players!


There hasn't been, nor ever will be another Stacksub like this... Read the reviews, or simply log on yourself to check it out!


We have boosted EXP/SP gain from all mobs 1-67 by 50% for the next 12 days, so hurry! Log on, and catch up!


Lineage Squared Stackclass Server... Stacksub, Evolved.



Quick-Link... Getting Started: How to Connect to L²SQ


This is a completely new and novel Substack system. Unlike all the other (garbage-can) stack sub servers, at L2SQ you can make all possible 1 + 1 Same-Race combinations theoretically possible on the game from just a single character! Let me repeat that; ALL COMBINATIONS POSSIBLE, FROM THE SAME CHARACTER. Yes, this includes Kamaels, I would be lying to you if it didn't. Players start by choosing their characters appearance, and once in-game choose their first two classes. There are two restrictions to class selection, you can any have two classes active and they must be of the same race (1 + 1 Same-Race). The beauty of our system is that it does not overwhelm you; its functionality and complexity are concealed in the simplicity of its design.


Fact: Stackclass renders all other Stacksubs that do or have ever existed OBSOLETE. Sorry, but that's just the way it is.



Domain: L²SQ Main Site

Forum: L²SQ Forums


Server Features

Unique Character Creation Process

Unique Stackclass Combination System

Every Combination Possible has its own Skillbar

Superb Server Files; Everything Works

Complete Geodata

International Community

Active/Pro/Multilingual Staff

Unsurpassed Technical Support

Zero Lag; Seamless Gameplay

Anti-Bot/Anti-Hack Software

DDoS Protection/Mitigation

Balanced Donations

Sex-Change via Donations

Race/Name Change via Donation (Coming Soon!)

Kamaels available through Retail Subclass Quest

All Characters can Craft/Crystallize

Perfectly Balanced Classes

Any Party Member can Invite

Any Clan Member can Withdraw from CWH (Permissions set in .clan)

26+4 Buff Slots, 15 Song/Dance Slots

Retail-Like Buff Times, except Song/Dance Durations +50%

No Add'l MP Consumption for Song/Dances

Songs/Dances are Alt + Click Removable

Automatic Class Changes

In-Game Clan Recruiting Board (Coming Soon!)

Intelligent “All-at-Once” and "Insta-Learn" Skill System

Automated CP/HP/MP Potions (.autoPotion)

Many other Unique and Intelligent Player Features (.cfg)

Non-Epic Raid Boss Status/Teleports (Loads of PvP)

Normal Raid Respawn: 12 Hours +/- 1 Hour

Epic Raid Respawn: Retail +/- 1 Hour

All Raids have a 2 Hour Window, ensuring constant PvP at Epics

All Raids 40+ Give CRP

Updated Hellbound Content (Loads of PvP)

Custom Skill Certifications

Custom Team-Oriented Olympiad System (1v1, 3v3, 6v6)

Custom Party Matching Window (Alt + B)

Custom x10 Simultaneous Craft Option (100 A.Bones -> 10 CBP)

Custom Endgame PvP/Fame-Farming Zones in SoA (Loads of PvP)

Fame acts as a form of PvP Currency; Gained/Loss in Clanwars

Vesper Upgrades 3x with Fame (Vesper -> Masterwork -> Noble -> Noble Masterwork)

Everything else, Retail-Like


The Class Selection Window (Alt + B, then click on 'Favorite')



Custom Party Matching Window (Alt + B, then click on 'Homepage')

width=1024 height=743http://i46.tinypic.com/znub8k.jpg[/img]


Clan Ranking/Recruitment Board (Coming Soon!)



Brought to you by,


The Pac Project

Expect Great(er) Things



Rapid Shot now increases accuracy by +5 when using a Bow.

Removed all negative side effects associated with the following skills:

Hawk Eye (-p.def)

Dead Eye (-atk spd)

Rapid Fire (-range)


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