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new server


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alright u guys probably heard that ill be putting up a server with a new race at 12.12.08

and i think adding a new race,skills and classes for it and i don't wan't that on the server every one will run with this class

any one has an idea of what to add the the other classes so theres something new too?

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wie heist du?

mohamed wieso fragst du?



// translate english

Quote --> whats yr name?


mohamed , why do u ask


//translate polish

Quote --> jak masz na imnie ?


mohamed , czemu pytasz?

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halten Sie das Gewinde im englischen Dank :) :P or add [GER] or smth like this

nein es ist ein englischer topic




no , this is an Englishes topic , u can talk any language u wan't if u give an translation to english of it or some 1 else does

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Since it will be vampire , it should be very good at drain HP, and maybe a passive skill "Night Shadow" which will increase something when its nighttime ( 1 hour every 4 hours :P ) But it is going to be hard to script and stuf.. And why not a summon skill , to summon a vampire for example.. dunno :D or cast a spell on a monster and it comes on your side for some time. That all will be very hard :P

P.S: Don't forget to tell me when te server is opening :D I would like to join you !

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Since it will be vampire , it should be very good at drain HP, and maybe a passive skill "Night Shadow" which will increase something when its nighttime ( 1 hour every 4 hours :P ) But it is going to be hard to script and stuf.. And why not a summon skill , to summon a vampire for example.. dunno :D or cast a spell on a monster and it comes on your side for some time. That all will be very hard :P

P.S: Don't forget to tell me when te server is opening :D I would like to join you !


well i don't mean the vampire skills , i already have every thing planed for that race  .. i mean for human etc .. so all players won't use vampire

for example , u can attak an vampire with sacred attaks , almost all the skills drain your opponents hp, like drains over time , control monster (ur char just sits , while u can control a monster for 5 min in screen mode (like your own char) not on raids) etc...it won't be overpowered so don't worry

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It would be stupid to make overpowered character... u walk and everything u see is a vampire .. and i didn't know that u wasn't talking for vampire skills cuz u said "adding new race,skills and classes for it

How is the modeling going ? :) I am trying to make a Ford T and i am kind of succeeding :P

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i dont know what u mean

u will make new race for your server??

based to what??like kamaels??


vampire needs drain ,curses,passives for night/day,summon spells,maybe he can tranforms

and passive weak in sacred atks,passive -xxx% in heals,fast run speed...

give some info what u think coz i dont heard anythink and i realy want to know

about that server


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New race? Just like humans etc? OMAGAD :>

That will take too long and it gonna be really hard.. but if you have patience and time you maybe finish it T_T

Anyway ..

Hmm I think that you must add a vampiric resistant or something so other races dont die so easy just a litle resistance. altho make the vampires good at farming and xping but not so good at pvp or something

Just an idea.

Good luck with it bro!

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well this is a great occasion for me to learn , im getting better evry day at it , and when i have the server openned ill know how to do alot of custom stuff myself :) , and btw i still haven't the model done yet ... so i can't start the textures ><  (its like trying to paint a car , withound the car lol :P )


well for now i have lots of time ... its kinda a summer project , if i need any help ill be sure to ask :)

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