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Looking to earn $1,000/Month on average?


Dear users,

I am going to show you how YOU could be earning $1,000+ each month through the use of DollarFiles.net.

I'm not going to be like all the others who ask for you to comment and PM just to receive an E-Book, I'm going to display my method right here. All I ask for in return is, nothing. However, a 'thanks' never goes a miss.


Where's my proof? Right here.


Interested now, huh? Well read on. I will go through step-by-step for ultimate noob-proof.


The Method

How I generate a $1,000/Month income using DollarFiles.net.

1) Register at DollarFiles.net, you can do this by clicking below:


(Please note, to be accepted onto the network you must provide as much information as possible. I was rejected the first time, so it's not an easy process.)


2) So at this stage you should have been accepted onto the DollarFiles.net network and your account should be fully activated. If you were unsuccessful, PM me and I will try to give you some information in order to help you get accepted.

So, once you've been accepted you're going to want to think of a niche.

I've found gaming to be very popular, so I'm going to give you several gaming related niches below which WILL generate you a decent income, however if you want to boost your earnings, come up with something else which isn't saturated.

Niche Ideas:

-Runescape Membership Codes

-Runescape Money Generator

-Xbox Live Membership Generator

-Microsoft Points Generator

-Free BETA Key Download

-Riot Points Generator

-Free Game Downloads (Guild Wars 2, Black Ops 2, Minecraft, etc.)


You may use the ones mentioned above or come up with your own. A good source for finding niches is IGN (http://ign.com).


3) So you've got your niche, now what?

Create a Blog or website. If you have a decent a-beep-t of knowledge i'd recommend you creating a website, looks more professional and will increase your download rates. I'm not going to teach you how to create a website, you can find millions of tutorials on that with a simple Google search. If you choose to create a blog, I recommend you use Blogger.com, again, I'm not going to teach you how to use it. With Blogger.com, you can create professional looking pages, I will give you an example of one of my Blogs I created a while back to show you it can be done. I no longer use this niche but it's just here to show you how you should layout your page, here:


Notice how many hits it got, almost 5,000. Around 1,500 of those downloaded my "Beta key". Thats around $1,500-$2000 I received for ONE simple niche.


4) So, once you've got your niche and designed a page for it, what do you do? You create a file, and upload it to DollarFiles.net.

What do you upload though? Well, that depends on your niche. If its BETA Keys, or Game Codes or something like that, create a text file, write a fake code in it (make it look legit) and upload that. It doesn't need to be a real code, sure it's a bit deceitful, but meh, you're going to get rich from it!

Once you've uploaded your file to DollarFiles, get your download link and put it on your website/blog. As you saw on my FutureSoldierBeta Blog I created a download button and inserted my link in that.


5) NOW! You've got your niche, you've uploaded a file related to that niche, you've got your website with your download button linking to that file on DollarFiles. Now what?

Now it's time to PROMOTE.

The way I do it is this:

- Download Camtasia or some type of screen recorder

- Record your website and show users how to download your file

- Add speech if possible, will increase conversions = more money.

- Upload that video EVERYWHERE

- Youtube, DailyMotion, MetaCafe etc. However, Youtube is your best bet.


When you upload your video, create multiple accounts and upload 1-2 videos on each account. Create some professional titles too such as:

"Guild Wars 2 - Free Download - [Working as of 22/06/2012]"

as opposed to something like:



6) So you've uploaded your videos on several accounts, now you want to boost those videos so they rank higher. To do this, I use:

http://enhanceviews.net and http://ytnuke.com


Enhanceviews is good for boosting "Likes" & "Comments" on your videos whilst I find YtNuke to be good for boosting views, they usually over deliver by a lot too! For example, I ordered 2,500 views on a video and received 7,500!


Add around 110 likes to every 1,000 views you get. Looks a bit more legit as opposed to having 1,000 likes and 1,000 views.


Do this for all your videos.


7) Now what? Grab a beer, kick back and relax. Watch the money start to slowly roll into your account. To earn more, do more niches, create more websites, create more videos. Sure, the beginning phase is time consuming, BUT, it's all worth it in the long run. I've been sitting on Auto-Pilot for the last month and have earned $800 so far!!


DollarFiles.net is the only other PPD website other than Foolish that takes the BEST offers from several networks. Their best offer being a $20.00 download!


What else? It's only a $10 minimum payout! As opposed to $50 on competing networks.


I highly suggest you apply to DollarFiles.net if you want to earn big. Again, you can do so by clicking on the logo below




Thanks for reading,



Seems great.One question though,does it matter if it's a website and not a blog?Because i wanted to create a website with real keys,serials,hacks and stuff and this will be way better than adfly.


Seems great.One question though,does it matter if it's a website and not a blog?Because i wanted to create a website with real keys,serials,hacks and stuff and this will be way better than adfly.

Thanks :)

Everything I mentioned was merely theory with a few examples. Of course you can do anything you want as far as the goal of getting people to download your stuff is being achieved :)

And speaking of adfly, I have combined both :P


Thanks :)

Everything I mentioned was merely theory with a few examples. Of course you can do anything you want as far as the goal of getting people to download your stuff is being achieved :)

And speaking of adfly, I have combined both :P

hmm thanks a lot,outstanding guide!


Great one. Well, i have a question. You need to complete a survey to download the file or not?

and about the website/blog, what's the meaning?Youtube isnt enough?


Great one. Well, i have a question. You need to complete a survey to download the file or not?

and about the website/blog, what's the meaning?Youtube isnt enough?

Yes it's a full survey, but trust me many people fall for that, especially if the niche is believeable

A blog/page won't take more than 5 minutes to make and yes it will create more conversion. Plus if you're truly evil you can charge two links on adfly (on for the blog and another for the download)


Those niches are pretty saturated, there's no way you will get so much money with those niches.

At first no, but by making lots of them (like 1 to 3 each day) and especially if you pump up your vids nicely that can bring some good results


It's always about traffic


you can make 1000 blogs and earn 10 cents a day or you can find a good niche and seo your blog to be first link on google and make 100$ a day.

  • 1 month later...

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    • 🌟 EMERLAND.PW — Open Beta Testing Has Begun! 🎉 Friends! We are excited to announce that the Open Beta Testing of our Lineage 2 Interlude server, based on the new Classic client, has officially started! 🚀 📌 Key Information Server Rates: x50 New client, new possibilities Numerous improvements for a more comfortable gameplay We invite everyone to join the OBT, test the game, and help us make the server even better before the official launch! Your feedback and active participation are very important to us. 🎁 Participation Bonus! After the OBT ends, all active participants will receive a special bonus on their Master Account! 📅 Join now at EMERLAND.PW and become part of our project's history! 🔥 Server Rates Exp/SP: x50 Raid Exp/SP: x50 Adena: x25 Seal Stones: x5 Drop/Spoil: x5 Quest/Quest Adena: x1 RB Drop Rate: x5 Quest Item Drop Rate: x5 Siege Guard Drop Rate: x5 Clan Reputation Rate: x5 Mob Spawn Rate: x2 Manor Rate: x5 ⚙ Server Settings Auto-loot (disabled for bosses) Players with karma cannot use NPC shops Auto skill learning Subclass addition without quest (max. 10 subclasses) Warsmith & Overlord can be added as subclasses Elf & Dark Elf subclasses available for all Heroic skills remain when switching to a subclass Alternative protection for characters after teleport (Celestial Shield for 15 sec) Clan warehouse item withdrawal rights can be given to members, not just CL Catacomb teleportation for Adena Buff limit: 60 (duration: 60 min) Dance/Song limit: 24 (duration: 60 min) Enchanted items can be traded and sold Max enchant level: 20 Multiple character login from one account is allowed Two types of champion mobs: x10, x50 (Drop: 0.5% Gold Einhasad, 5% Silver Shilen) 🛍 In-Game Shop Gear up to B-Grade included Mana Potion, Mana Drug available for Adena Accessories, Costumes, Mounts, Belts, Cloaks – for Silver Shilen & Gold Einhasad (cosmetic only, no P2W) 💰 Main Server Currencies Silver Shilen – earned through events, champion mob drops, voting Gold Einhasad – obtained through server support, events, voting, champion mob drops 🏆 Game Commands .cfg — Game settings .exp — XP to next level .time — Server date & time .clan — Clan panel .relog — Quick relog .ping — Check ping .rb — Raid boss statistics .topclan — Clan rankings .whoiam — Character stats .rcm — Clan recall (CL only) ⚔ In-Game Events The server features 3 events: TvT, DM, CTF. 🔹 Rewards for participation & victories 🕒 Event Schedule (server time .time😞 TvT: 03:00, 08:00, 13:00, 16:00, 19:00, 22:00 DM: 04:00, 10:00, 14:00, 17:00, 20:00, 23:00 CTF: 06:00, 12:00, 15:00, 18:00, 21:00, 00:00 🤖 Auto-Farm Cost: 2 Silver Shilen/hour Limit: 24 hours Activation: .autofarm 🎟 Premium Account Premium boosts all rates x2. 1 day — 1 Gold Einhasad 7 days — 4 Gold Einhasad 30 days — 10 Gold Einhasad ⭐ Server Features Chronicles: Interlude Game Client: Classic Updated Core/Orfen stats (upgraded to level 3) Core Ring 2 lvl: +3% M. Atk, +1 MEN Core Ring 3 lvl: +6% M. Atk, +1 MEN, +1 WIT Orfen Earring 2 lvl: +3% P. Atk, +1 CON Orfen Earring 3 lvl: +6% P. Atk, +1 CON, +1 DEX New Skills Added: Spoilers — Festive Sweeper (AoE sweep) PP, EE, SE, BP — Might of Heaven (PvP skill) Horse Tamers — Hydro Blast (weakened power, 1 Cursed Bone) Cat Tamers — Prominence (weakened power, 1 Cursed Bone) Shadow Tamers — Hurricane (weakened power, 1 Cursed Bone) 🎮 Join us now at EMERLAND.PW and start your adventure today! 🚀
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