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[Discussion] Epilogue Server - Rates/Features - Share your opinion

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Hello MaxCheaters community & Lineage II Players.

Well, I am thinking of starting a new Lineage II Project based on Epilogue Client. I was thinking of creating a PvP server. I am going to share with you the rates & features that I thinked about and I would like your opinion about them. I want to provide a good Epilogue server, since there is no Epilogue server which gonna gain a good a-beep-t of community and also will be a balanced server. Well here are the features and the rates. Judge, share your opinion and post your ideas! Our staff will take them in consideration.


EXP: 1000 | SP: 1000 | Adena: 1500

Enchant: 75% | Blessed: 85% | Safe: 4 | Max: 16

Attribute level: Max LvL 9

Certificate skills: Enabled

Olympiad Period Duration: 2 weeks

Sieges & Territory War every 2 weeks

Fortress & Clan Hall Sieges daily

Max Subclass: 3 + 1 Main

Buffs: Duration: 120 Minutes (2 Hours), 28 Buff Slots, 12 Dances/Songs  +4 (By Divine Books), Song of Windstorm & Dance of Berseker retail like (2 Minutes)

Auto learn skills

All Raid Bosses level 85

Forgotten Scrolls obtainable by Vote Reward NPC & Raid Bosses (Non-Grand Raid Bosses).

Grand Raid Bosses (drop Jewels (x1), blessed scrolls, attribute jewels) respawn time: 8 Hours

Rest Raid Bosses (drop Attribute Jewels, Blessed Scrolls & Forgotten Scrolls) respawn time: 30 minutes.

PK Drop enabled, 30% chance

PvP Reward for every PvP kill (NPC where you'll be able to buy items will exist)

Grand Raid Bosses will be enabled after a week so every clan will have same chances

Clan Penalties are OFF

Wedding System: Enabled

Max Alliance: 3

NPCs: Global Gatekeeper, Npc Buffer, Gm Shop, Custom Community Board, Warehouse, Symbol Maker, PK Guards, Special NPC Buffer for clans who owns castle with extra buffs, 2 special NPCs to buy items with PvP Coins & Vote Coins details below):


Special Vote Reward NPC Contains:

- Top Life Stones Level 84

- Vesper S84 Jewels

- Vesper S84 Armors

- Vesper S84 Weapons

- Attribute Jewels

- Olympiad Stuff

- Raid Boss Jewels

- Blessed Scrolls

- Raid Boss Quest Items

- Nobless Item

- Giant Codex Mastery

- Knight Eppaluate


Special PvP Reward NPC Contains:

- Top Life Stones Level 80

- CP Potions, Quick Healing Potion

- Title Change Colour

- Forgotten Scrolls

- Blessed Scrolls

- Blessed Scrolls of Escape/Res

- Pets & Accessories

- Fame

- Giant Codex Mastery

- Transformation Scolls

- Knight Eppaluate


Farm Zone (1):

Cursed Village A

Cursed Village B


Farm Zone (2):

Garden of Eva A

Garden of Eva B


PvP Zone:

Probably Stakato Nest


Vote Reward:

Every 10 Votes in HopZone, 5 Vote Coins and 1 Agathion which increases 5% all of their stats (Item duration: 20 Minutes). Item untradeable

Every 10 Votes in TopZone, players get 25 Vote Coins.



- TvT (Rewards: 3GB, Giant Codex)

- CTF (Rewards: 3 GB, Giant Codex)

- DM (Rewards: 5GB, Giant Codex Mastery (5), Attribute Jewels (3x each crystal)

- Town War (Rewards: 5 GB, Giant Codex Mastery (5), Attribute Jewels (3x each crystal)


[Mobs in farm areas drops: (Attribute Crystals, Adena, Fame)]


Players start:

1 Level

No Grade Items (Light/Heavy/Robe/Jewels + 3 Weapons)

No Grade Soulshots

75.000.000 Adena


Elemental System:

Attribute Stones => Buyable by GM Shop

Attribute Crystals => Buyable by Farm

Attribute Jewels => Obtainable by Raid Bosses, Vote Reward NPC & Events.


Server will be DDOS Protected. We will use Lameguard protection as well and we are going to use Geodata from L2Geo.org


Feel free, to comment, judge & share your thoughts about it! Our vision is to provide a server made by players for players! Also if you have any question feel free to post it below!




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This sounds like L2 Unit...  :D

But go ahead ,make it ,need my help? i can help you with npcs/html at least  ;) (it worth my time)

L2Unit was different. Except the rates (EXP/SP/Adena/Enchant), the rest stuff are different. You were able to buy for instance S84 armors/weapons from GM Shop, here you'll need vote rewards.

L2Unit used to have The Tunnel and some different instance zones. L2Unit (1st one) was an epic server, no doubt, but this time i think Ailon wants to provide something different, unique and more playable. Well I don't know if these features are better than the features which L2Unit had in the beginning but for sure they worth.

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This sounds like L2 Unit...  :D

But go ahead ,make it ,need my help? i can help you with npcs/html at least  ;) (it worth my time)

Thank you for your feedback. Well L2Unit was different.

Anyway I need more opinions!


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Thank you for your feedback. Well L2Unit was different.

Anyway I need more opinions!



Sooo... a server like this when its going to open ,in 1 week? in 2 weeks ?


BTW: Remove lv9 omg is unbalanced... ,just image ,poor mages in pvp/oly cuz they will be 100% weaker than other classes becuz every "pro" will use full resist... ,lv 7 max :3


And i bet that your deathmatch event is that random deathmatch event from maxcheaters ,if you are truly developer and want to open this server ,make deathmatch event fair (1 reward for every kill, and the one with the most kills get some bonuses) and remove town war events ,that just suck ,and you should add minirbs and make farm 1 week-2 weeks like ,important things should drop from minirbs (players that will fight for them, only a tank should kill solo mini raid bosses ,like 2 min to kill them or 1 min and respawn 5 min ,farm is like 4x faster than normal farm) ,u should do attribute lv4 hard and lv7 very hard ,and vesper not easy to get (like in 3-4 hours of normal farm to get vesper) ,not to mention enchant scrolls (max enchant should be 16)


This is just 10% of my ideas (its like in my server) but its ur way to do your things, i dont know if you like my idea ,good luck though


Ah yes ,remove gcms (its more entertain and it will keep server alive for long time),its great to see players trying hard to do +20-22-23 skills with normal gcs :3 and enchant rates should be like 70% or 65% ,safe 5 (better 65%) ,ok now i told u like 17% of my ideas :D:D:D ,what do you think


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