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palia otan thelame na ksekavlosoume ligo (sorry gia tin ekfrash) bename se enan kalo interlude pvp server...

twra re magkes ti protinete?

palia eixame cursed world /deathwhisper / deathavenue kai pollous allous pou aksizan...

twra auto to neo style server p pezoun oloi opws tou l2damage/interlude.pro  i to style tou sandora me ta safe=max kai ta auguments na pezoun mono rolo sas aresei?

ti na pw apla m fenonte apotiximenoi server..

makari oi dev me to palio pack na ftiaxnane enan kalo pvp server na kauloname oloi mas ... alla pou mialo?



Dsikola tha vrei giati diskola oi perisoteroi pou kseroun bug ta lene kai diskola kseroun oi "Developer's" na ta ftiaksoun an gia kathe bug pou kserane ta malakismena olou to kosmou to legane oi interlude server tha itan top edw kai pola xronia alla den ta lene kai etsi agkomaxame gia na ftiaksoume ta bug pou upirxan uparxoun kai osa tha uparksoun .....


mualo uparxei mono gia ta lefta... alla kuriws den vgainoune pia kaloi IL servers logw tou oti einai poli buggy genika opote vgainoune servers freya ktlp pou ta perissotera bugs einai idi ftiagmena... tespa, ama ksananoiksei kanas tetoios IL opws palia tote nai alliws bb l2...


paidia mexri freya plaka exei meta to parakanane  to thema.. akoma kai ston official ginane ola GTP me to awakening an akousate ....

o interlude exei allh " xarh " alla kai o freya me ta skills ta +30 alazei to game paveis pia na pezeis me atk kai prepei na matheis tin swsth rwh twn skills.. pws na ta xiristes kai pote...

tecpa mkri na aniksei kanas kalos interlude gt tha gemisei , eidika twra pou den eiparxoun kai servers ,


paidia mexri freya plaka exei meta to parakanane  to thema.. akoma kai ston official ginane ola GTP me to awakening an akousate ....

o interlude exei allh " xarh " alla kai o freya me ta skills ta +30 alazei to game paveis pia na pezeis me atk kai prepei na matheis tin swsth rwh twn skills.. pws na ta xiristes kai pote...

tecpa mkri na aniksei kanas kalos interlude gt tha gemisei , eidika twra pou den eiparxoun kai servers ,

epeidi epeksa official kai katafera mesa se eulogo xroniko diastima na ftasw 85 kai na kanw awaken tyrr warrior tha sou pw ena prama... ston official ginetai panikos twra giati  akoune oloi oti einai tsampa kai kaneis awaken gia plaka kai kata deuteron giati einai official. pantos egw mono tsampa den to eida giati plirwna san zwo 12 euro to mina gia premium account kai alla tosa gia items apo to online shop opote evgena peripou 30-40 to mina... kai ontws to god den leei mia giati san kamael tyrr eixa 24k hp kai genika ta awaken classes polla ma para polla skills mexri pou skeftika na vgalw to atk apo ti mpara...  :o genika poli unbalance kata ti gnomi mou, opote i IL kai pisw i ksexaste to l2...


Y.G: Enas c3 tha tan oti prepei  ;D

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