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League of Legends: Greek Launch Event

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League of legends is finally coming to Greece! We invite you to attend our grand launch event to be held in the heart of Athens very soon. Its going to be an epic party to celebrate the official launch of our Greek language service.


We have an incredible line-up of activities prepared for you. With giveaways, awesome activities, meet and play with Rioters and of course the GRAND FINAL of the League of Legends Greek launch tournament.


The Online Qualifier for the launch tournament will be organized by our partners at ESL Greece. You can take part by submitting your team application on their website. This tournament is open to all Greek players. Get in quickly to secure your place.


The best 2 teams will be invited to the finals. Transportation for the final 2 teams will be paid for by Riot Games. You can join us, and hundreds of other League of legends fans live at the event. Entry will be free into the venue. The date and time will be announced shortly. The best of 3 final will also be streamed live if you cannot make it. (Links to the stream coming soon).


Come and join us and be part of this special day to celebrate the launch of League of Legends in Greece.


Good Luck to all Summoners that will take part in the tournament and hope to see you all there!


Riot Games


source: http://eune.leagueoflegends.com/news/league-legends-greek-launch-event


Also, more information about how to register a team found here in another post in League of Legends forum


source: http://eune.leagueoflegends.com/board/showthread.php?t=456431


More information about the event over here through the official site from esl:


source: http://www.esl.eu/gr/lol/5on5/news/196517/


Updates on esl topic:


source: http://www.esl.eu/gr/lol/5on5/news/196770/


Final Announcement about the Event

source: http://eune.leagueoflegends.com/news/greek-launch-event-athens

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