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[HELP]Adapt Black Vesper

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Hello guys,


I wanted to add some "Black Vesper" stuff on my High Five server but I only found them for Interlude, I really need help in adapting the armorgrp.dat and the weapongrp.dat files everything else is easy!

If anyone is willing to adapt them for me feel free to ask for the files.


Also if you wish to publish it I can send you the Server side files which are adapted to work on High Five and the itemname-e.dat file!


Well I have somehow managed to do something but my weapon keeps to being invisible.. I have been trying to fix it for more than an hour now...

Could someone help?


Weapongrp.dat line of...

...Original Black Vesper Cutter:

0	9900	1	1	7	10	0	vesper_cutter.Cleo_Chaos_Master_vesper_cutter_m00_wp			Weapons_vesper_black.sword_vesper_black_wp			Weapons_vesper_black.sword_i00					-1	1300	51	1	0	14	1	1	vesper_cutter.Cleo_Chaos_Master_vesper_cutter_m00_wp		1	Weapons_vesper_black.sword_vesper_black_wp			4	ItemSound.sword_mid_1	ItemSound.sword_big_3	ItemSound.sword_great_3	ItemSound.public_sword_shing_4	ItemSound.itemdrop_sword	ItemSound.itemequip_sword		10	400	180	1	5	8	0	0	0	0	379	0	1	1	1000	0	-1	0	LineageEffect.e_u092_a		0.000000	0.000000	0.000000	1.000000	1.000000						LineageWeapons.rangesample		1.400000	0.600000	0.600000	12.000000	0.000000	0.000000							4	-1	-1	-1	LineageWeaponsTex-v.weapon_vesper_cutter_i01	


Edited Vesper Black Cutter:

0	64009	1	1	7	45	0	vesper_cutter.Cleo_Chaos_Master_vesper_cutter_m00_wp			weapons_vesper_black.sword_vesper_black_wp	weapons_vesper_black.sword_vesper_black_ts			0	0	0	0	0	2	0	0	Weapons_vesper_black.sword_i00					-1	1520	8	1	0	0		1		27	1	1	vesper_cutter.Cleo_Chaos_Master_vesper_cutter_m00_wp		2		2	weapons_vesper_black.sword_vesper_black_wp	weapons_vesper_black.sword_vesper_black_ts			4	ItemSound.sword_big_1	ItemSound.sword_mid_2	ItemSound.sword_mid_3	ItemSound.public_sword_shing_4	ItemSound.itemdrop_sword	ItemSound.itemequip_sword		10	396	176	1	7	8	0	0	0	0	379	0	1	1	1000	0	-1	0	LineageEffect.e_u092_a		0.00000000	0.00000000	0.00000000	1.00000000	1.00000000						LineageWeapons.rangesample		1.35000002	0.55000001	0.55000001	13.00000000	0.00000000	0.00000000							4	-1	-1	-1	-1	-1				


Vesper Cutter:

0	13457	1	1	7	45	0	LineageWeapons.vesper_cutter_m00_wp			LineageWeaponsTex.vesper_cutter_t00	LineageWeaponsTex.vesper_cutter_t01			0	0	0	0	0	2	0	0	icon.weapon_vesper_cutter_i00					-1	1520	8	1	0	0		1		27	1	1	LineageWeapons.vesper_cutter_m00_wp		2		2	LineageWeaponsTex.vesper_cutter_t00	LineageWeaponsTex.vesper_cutter_t01			4	ItemSound.sword_big_1	ItemSound.sword_mid_2	ItemSound.sword_mid_3	ItemSound.public_sword_shing_4	ItemSound.itemdrop_sword	ItemSound.itemequip_sword		10	396	176	1	7	8	0	0	0	0	379	0	1	1	1000	0	-1	0	LineageEffect.c_u004		0.00000000	0.00000000	0.00000000	1.00000000	1.00000000						LineageWeapons.rangesample		1.35000002	0.55000001	0.55000001	13.00000000	0.00000000	0.00000000							4	-1	-1	-1	-1	-1				


Image of SysTexture files:





Problem: Need help to Adapt

From: Interlude

To: High Five

Files: weapongrp.dat and armorgrp.dat


Thanks for the help!




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I have seen your post, but I didn't really got through the adaption. I will give it another shot tomorrow and if I manage to adapt I will share the Black Vesp.


Thanks for reminding me of your post!




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New Problem:


I have somehow tried and managed to get the animations, but the weapon is invisible :/ I have been trying to fix it for more than an hour now...

Could someone help?


-Edit: Long post was annoying and since it's in the first post it was useless-


Updated on First post as well

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you can try with this code, if you have animations in H5, why you modify lines of animations in H5 lines? understand what I told you? anyway here we go.


0	13457	1	1	7	45	0	LineageWeapons.vesper_cutter_m00_wp			Weapons_vesper_black.sword_vesper_black_wp	Weapons_vesper_black.sword_vesper_black_wp			0	0	0	0	0	2	0	0	Weapons_vesper_black.sword_i00					-1	1520	8	1	0	0		1		27	1	1	LineageWeapons.vesper_cutter_m00_wp		2		2	Weapons_vesper_black.sword_vesper_black_wp	Weapons_vesper_black.sword_vesper_black_wp			4	ItemSound.sword_big_1	ItemSound.sword_mid_2	ItemSound.sword_mid_3	ItemSound.public_sword_shing_4	ItemSound.itemdrop_sword	ItemSound.itemequip_sword		10	396	176	1	7	8	0	0	0	0	379	0	1	1	1000	0	-1	0	LineageEffect.c_u004		0.00000000	0.00000000	0.00000000	1.00000000	1.00000000						LineageWeapons.rangesample		1.35000002	0.55000001	0.55000001	13.00000000	0.00000000	0.00000000							4	-1	-1	-1	-1	-1	

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:O nowww I really understand! THANKS a lot.

Your line had a small error, but as I understood it was not your fault. Correct form was this one:


0	64009	1	1	7	45	0	LineageWeapons.vesper_cutter_m00_wp			weapons_vesper_black.sword_vesper_black_wp	LineageWeaponsTex.vesper_cutter_t01			0	0	0	0	0	2	0	0	Weapons_vesper_black.sword_i00					-1	1520	8	1	0	0		1		27	1	1	LineageWeapons.vesper_cutter_m00_wp		2		2	weapons_vesper_black.sword_vesper_black_wp	LineageWeaponsTex.vesper_cutter_t01			4	ItemSound.sword_big_1	ItemSound.sword_mid_2	ItemSound.sword_mid_3	ItemSound.public_sword_shing_4	ItemSound.itemdrop_sword	ItemSound.itemequip_sword		10	396	176	1	7	8	0	0	0	0	379	0	1	1	1000	0	-1	0	LineageEffect.c_u004		0.00000000	0.00000000	0.00000000	1.00000000	1.00000000						LineageWeapons.rangesample		1.35000002	0.55000001	0.55000001	13.00000000	0.00000000	0.00000000							4	-1	-1	-1	-1	-1				


Seems like Author forgot one texture :P.


Anyway thanks a lot CriticalError!

I will look deeper into it (more weps) tomorrow when I have more time so please mods don't close this thread yet I might need some help later on!


I look forward in publishing the adapted file :D

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I know my fault, but author of this weapons not make 2 texture, one is for weapons and second is for alphatexture, but anyway you know what I mean, gl with your adaptation.

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Thanks a lot CriticalError!


I have 2 more questions:

I want to change the Dual swords so it becomes 2 Black Cutter but it won't save on weapongrp.dat what am I doing wrong?


Methods which won't save

0	64045	1	1	7	45	0	LineageWeapons.vesper_cutter_m00_wp	LineageWeapons.vesper_cutter_m00_wp		Weapons_vesper_black.sword_vesper_black_wp	LineageWeaponsTex.vesper_cutter_t01	Weapons_vesper_black.sword_vesper_black_wp	LineageWeaponsTex.vesper_cutter_t01		0	0	0	0	0	2	1	0	icon.weapon_dual_sword_i00	icon.weapon_vesper_cutter_i00	icon.weapon_vesper_cutter_i00			-1	1520	8	1	0	0		1	icon.pvp_tab	7	3	2	LineageWeapons.vesper_cutter_m00_wp	LineageWeapons.vesper_cutter_m00_wp	2	1	3	Weapons_vesper_black.sword_vesper_black_wp	LineageWeaponsTex.vesper_cutter_t01	Weapons_vesper_black.sword_vesper_black_wp	LineageWeaponsTex.vesper_cutter_t01		4	ItemSound.public_sword_shing_8	ItemSound.sword_great_4	ItemSound.sword_mid_2	ItemSound.public_sword_shing_4	ItemSound.itemdrop_dualsword	ItemSound.itemequip_dualsword		10	482	176	8	7	8	0	0	0	0	325	0	1	1	1000	0	-1	0	LineageEffect.c_u006	LineageEffect.c_u004	3.00000000	0.30000001	0.00000000	0.00000000	0.00000000	0.00000000	0.80000001	1.00000000	1.00000000	1.29999995	LineageWeapons.rangesample	LineageWeapons.rangesample	1.39999998	0.80000001	0.80000001	1.50000000	0.80000001	0.80000001	12.00000000	0.00000000	0.00000000	11.50000000	0.00000000	0.00000000	6	4	-1	-1	-1	-1				

0	64045	1	1	7	45	0	LineageWeapons.vesper_cutter_m00_wp	LineageWeapons.vesper_cutter_m00_wp		Weapons_vesper_black.sword_vesper_black_wp	LineageWeaponsTex.vesper_cutter_t01	Weapons_vesper_black.sword_vesper_black_wp		0	0	0	0	0	2	1	0	icon.weapon_dual_sword_i00	icon.weapon_vesper_cutter_i00	icon.weapon_vesper_cutter_i00			-1	1520	8	1	0	0		1	icon.pvp_tab	7	3	2	LineageWeapons.vesper_cutter_m00_wp	LineageWeapons.vesper_cutter_m00_wp	2	1	3	Weapons_vesper_black.sword_vesper_black_wp	LineageWeaponsTex.vesper_cutter_t01	Weapons_vesper_black.sword_vesper_black_wp		4	ItemSound.public_sword_shing_8	ItemSound.sword_great_4	ItemSound.sword_mid_2	ItemSound.public_sword_shing_4	ItemSound.itemdrop_dualsword	ItemSound.itemequip_dualsword		10	482	176	8	7	8	0	0	0	0	325	0	1	1	1000	0	-1	0	LineageEffect.c_u006	LineageEffect.c_u004	3.00000000	0.30000001	0.00000000	0.00000000	0.00000000	0.00000000	0.80000001	1.00000000	1.00000000	1.29999995	LineageWeapons.rangesample	LineageWeapons.rangesample	1.39999998	0.80000001	0.80000001	1.50000000	0.80000001	0.80000001	12.00000000	0.00000000	0.00000000	11.50000000	0.00000000	0.00000000	6	4	-1	-1	-1	-1				


How it works: (Black Vesp + Sirras Blade):

0	64045	1	1	7	45	0	LineageWeapons.vesper_cutter_m00_wp	LineageWeapons.vesper_cutter_m00_wp		Weapons_vesper_black.sword_vesper_black_wp	LineageWeaponsTex.vesper_cutter_t01	LineageWeaponsTex.sirr_blade_t00_wp		0	0	0	0	0	2	1	0	icon.weapon_dual_sword_i00	icon.weapon_vesper_cutter_i00	icon.weapon_sirr_blade_i00			-1	1520	8	1	0	0		1	icon.pvp_tab	7	3	2	LineageWeapons.vesper_cutter_m00_wp	LineageWeapons.sirr_blade_m00_wp	2	1	3	Weapons_vesper_black.sword_vesper_black_wp	LineageWeaponsTex.vesper_cutter_t01	LineageWeaponsTex.sirr_blade_t00_wp		4	ItemSound.public_sword_shing_8	ItemSound.sword_great_4	ItemSound.sword_mid_2	ItemSound.public_sword_shing_4	ItemSound.itemdrop_dualsword	ItemSound.itemequip_dualsword		10	482	176	8	7	8	0	0	0	0	325	0	1	1	1000	0	-1	0	LineageEffect.c_u006	LineageEffect.c_u004	3.00000000	0.30000001	0.00000000	0.00000000	0.00000000	0.00000000	0.80000001	1.00000000	1.00000000	1.29999995	LineageWeapons.rangesample	LineageWeapons.rangesample	1.39999998	0.80000001	0.80000001	1.50000000	0.80000001	0.80000001	12.00000000	0.00000000	0.00000000	11.50000000	0.00000000	0.00000000	6	4	-1	-1	-1	-1				


Black Vesper Duals from Author:

0	9937	1	1	7	1	0	vesper_cutter.Cleo_Chaos_Master_vesper_cutter_m00_wp	vesper_cutter.Cleo_Chaos_Master_vesper_cutter_m00_wp		Weapons_vesper_black.sword_vesper_black_wp	Weapons_vesper_black.sword_vesper_black_wp		icon.weapon_dual_sword_i00	LineageWeaponsTex-v.weapon_vesper_cutter_i01	LineageWeaponsTex-v.weapon_vesper_cutter_i01			95	2080	51	1	0	14	3	2	vesper_cutter.Cleo_Chaos_Master_vesper_cutter_m00_wp	vesper_cutter.Cleo_Chaos_Master_vesper_cutter_m00_wp	2	Weapons_vesper_black.sword_vesper_black_wp	Weapons_vesper_black.sword_vesper_black_wp		4	ItemSound.public_sword_shing_8	ItemSound.sword_great_4	ItemSound.sword_mid_2	ItemSound.public_sword_shing_4	ItemSound.itemdrop_sword	ItemSound.itemequip_sword		10	525	202	8	4	8	0	0	0	0	325	0	1	1	1000	0	-1	0	LineageEffect.c_u004	LineageEffect.c_u004	0.000000	0.000000	0.000000	0.000000	0.000000	0.000000	1.000000	1.000000	1.300000	1.300000	LineageWeapons.rangesample	LineageWeapons.rangesample	1.450000	0.800000	0.800000	1.450000	0.800000	0.800000	13.000000	0.000000	0.000000	13.000000	0.000000	0.000000	7	7	-1	-1			


And Clean Vesper Duals:

0	52	1	1	7	45	0	LineageWeapons.vesper_cutter_m00_wp	LineageWeapons.sirr_blade_m00_wp		LineageWeaponsTex.vesper_cutter_t00	LineageWeaponsTex.vesper_cutter_t01	LineageWeaponsTex.sirr_blade_t00_wp		0	0	0	0	0	2	1	0	icon.weapon_dual_sword_i00	icon.weapon_vesper_cutter_i00	icon.weapon_sirr_blade_i00			-1	1520	8	1	5B28DC4	0		1		7	3	2	LineageWeapons.vesper_cutter_m00_wp	LineageWeapons.sirr_blade_m00_wp	2	1	3	LineageWeaponsTex.vesper_cutter_t00	LineageWeaponsTex.vesper_cutter_t01	LineageWeaponsTex.sirr_blade_t00_wp		4	ItemSound.public_sword_shing_8	ItemSound.sword_great_4	ItemSound.sword_mid_2	ItemSound.public_sword_shing_4	ItemSound.itemdrop_dualsword	ItemSound.itemequip_dualsword		10	482	176	8	7	8	0	0	0	0	325	0	1	1	1000	0	-1	0	LineageEffect.c_u006	LineageEffect.c_u004	3.00000000	0.30000001	0.00000000	0.00000000	0.00000000	0.00000000	0.80000001	1.00000000	1.00000000	1.29999995	LineageWeapons.rangesample	LineageWeapons.rangesample	1.39999998	0.80000001	0.80000001	1.50000000	0.80000001	0.80000001	12.00000000	0.00000000	0.00000000	11.50000000	0.00000000	0.00000000	6	4	-1	-1	-1	-1				


And second question:

3 or 4 weps are missing, is it difficult to recolour the textures in the colours I need? (Black/White) to decrypt/encrypt I would use Elfocrash's tool



Puhh that was a hard piece of work for beginners like me :P I think I will start trying to adapt Vesp. Black armor. It seemed harder than the weps but I'll give it a shot :D

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here result.


0	52	1	1	7	45	0	LineageWeapons.vesper_cutter_m00_wp	LineageWeapons.vesper_cutter_m00_wp		Weapons_vesper_black.sword_vesper_black_wp	LineageWeaponsTex.vesper_cutter_t01	Weapons_vesper_black.sword_vesper_black_wp		0	0	0	0	0	2	1	0	icon.weapon_dual_sword_i00	LineageWeaponsTex-v.weapon_vesper_cutter_i01	LineageWeaponsTex-v.weapon_vesper_cutter_i01			-1	1520	8	1	5B28DC4	0		1		7	3	2	LineageWeapons.vesper_cutter_m00_wp	LineageWeapons.vesper_cutter_m00_wp	2	1	3	Weapons_vesper_black.sword_vesper_black_wp	LineageWeaponsTex.vesper_cutter_t01	Weapons_vesper_black.sword_vesper_black_wp		4	ItemSound.public_sword_shing_8	ItemSound.sword_great_4	ItemSound.sword_mid_2	ItemSound.public_sword_shing_4	ItemSound.itemdrop_dualsword	ItemSound.itemequip_dualsword		10	482	176	8	7	8	0	0	0	0	325	0	1	1	1000	0	-1	0	LineageEffect.c_u006	LineageEffect.c_u004	3.00000000	0.30000001	0.00000000	0.00000000	0.00000000	0.00000000	0.80000001	1.00000000	1.00000000	1.29999995	LineageWeapons.rangesample	LineageWeapons.rangesample	1.39999998	0.80000001	0.80000001	1.50000000	0.80000001	0.80000001	12.00000000	0.00000000	0.00000000	11.50000000	0.00000000	0.00000000	6	4	-1	-1	-1	-1

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It's almost perfect. I managed to save it as 64045 as well for some reason :P


But there is a small problem, there is missing a Texture on the second sword. If you see the first sword has 2 textures "t00" and "t01" I can't save it when I am adding the second one :/


I have the same problem at this line as well:

0	64058	1	1	7	10	0	LineageWeapons.vesper_shaper_m00_wp	LineageWeapons.vesper_shaper_m00_wp		Weapons_vesper_black.dagga_vesper_black_wp	LineageWeaponsTex.vesper_shaper_t01	Weapons_vesper_black.dagga_vesper_black_wp		0	0	0	0	0	2	1	0	icon.dual_dagger_i00					-1	2050	8	1	0	0		1		7	10	2	LineageWeapons.vesper_shaper_m00_wp	LineageWeapons.vesper_shaper_m00_wp	2	1	3	Weapons_vesper_black.dagga_vesper_black_wp	LineageWeaponsTex.vesper_shaper_t01	Weapons_vesper_black.dagga_vesper_black_wp		1					ItemSound.itemdrop_sword	ItemSound.itemequip_sword		10	360	181	15	7	12	-3	0	0	0	433	0	1	1	1000	0	-1	0	LineageEffect.c_u002	LineageEffect.c_u004	6.50000000	0.00000000	0.00000000	0.00000000	0.00000000	0.00000000	1.45000005	0.60000002	0.69999999	0.10000000	LineageWeapons.rangesample	LineageWeapons.rangesample	0.75000000	0.40000001	0.40000001	1.10000002	0.69999999	0.69999999	12.00000000	0.00000000	0.00000000	7.00000000	0.00000000	0.00000000	2	4	-1	-1	-1	-1				


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0	64058	1	1	7	10	0	LineageWeapons.vesper_shaper_m00_wp	LineageWeapons.vesper_shaper_m00_wp		Weapons_vesper_black.dagga_vesper_black_wp	LineageWeaponsTex.vesper_shaper_t01	Weapons_vesper_black.dagga_vesper_black_wp		0	0	0	0	0	2	1	0	icon.dual_dagger_i00					-1	2050	8	1	0	0		1		7	10	2	LineageWeapons.vesper_shaper_m00_wp	LineageWeapons.vesper_shaper_m00_wp	2	1	4	Weapons_vesper_black.dagga_vesper_black_wp	LineageWeaponsTex.vesper_shaper_t01	Weapons_vesper_black.dagga_vesper_black_wp	LineageWeaponsTex.vesper_shaper_t01	1					ItemSound.itemdrop_sword	ItemSound.itemequip_sword		10	360	181	15	7	12	-3	0	0	0	433	0	1	1	1000	0	-1	0	LineageEffect.c_u002	LineageEffect.c_u004	6.50000000	0.00000000	0.00000000	0.00000000	0.00000000	0.00000000	1.45000005	0.60000002	0.69999999	0.10000000	LineageWeapons.rangesample	LineageWeapons.rangesample	0.75000000	0.40000001	0.40000001	1.10000002	0.69999999	0.69999999	12.00000000	0.00000000	0.00000000	7.00000000	0.00000000	0.00000000	2	4	-1	-1	-1	-1				


try xD

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